Tag Archives: divine

Healthy Parents

This information is provided as a guide for the make-up of people raising children and the potential effects. The purpose is to present to you differing scenarios of how children may be emotionally healthy or mired in dysfunction and to what degree.

We present this to you in hopes that you make an effort to either raise your own children in a loving, supportive environment or help others create stability for their children when varying degrees of dysfunction exist.

It is possible to raise the next few generations and refuse to allow any child to be left unsafe, insecure or alone. Where ever your “family” starts on this scale, begin there and strive to achieve a healthy household. The next generation will respond to the increased stability and reach even higher toward an emotionally healthy household.

  1. Healthy mom & dad produce a docile bunch.
  2. Single parent produces children who heavily swing toward the gender of that parent. Children may lack adequate supervision. Each child may receive a lesser amount of individual attention, including scholastic help. There is usually a lack financial resource.
  3. Grandparents raising children cause a lack of physical activity, higher food intake and heavy sugar use. They rely upon their own upbringing when food and drink were encouraged without recognizing the dietary implications. There continues the limitations of supervision, individual attention, scholastic help and possible inadequate finances.
  4. One grandparent raising children produces tendencies toward the gender of that grandparent, heavy caregiver stress and limitations of travel and /or relocation. The presence of only one grandparent causes the child or children to feel overtly obligated to stay at or close to home. There is little opportunity to follow their dreams. Higher education may not be possible or could create a lot of debt. Personal fulfilment is uncommon.
  5. Siblings raising their siblings results in disorganization, lack of responsibility, poor nutrition and high dropout rates. Depression may be common in both the caregiver and the child. Acts of destructive behavior or self-injury may develop.
  • The sibling who raises their own siblings brings about high caregiver stress, lack of self-definition, a desire to limit their own pregnancy/children, a fractured psyche, substance abuse and high dropout rates.
  • The sibling raised by another sibling creates an emotional vacuum of the caregiver who is never satiated, irresponsibility, lack of respect for elders or parents in general, poor health, dysfunctional coping, mood swings, victim-oriented interactions, sociopathy, substance abuse and malingering or outright joblessness.

Children raised in foster care have higher incidents of all the above dysfunctional outcomes listed.

These are examples only and do not represent all possible outcomes for children in every situation. Some possible dysfunctional results are not listed. There are also some healthy “families” without either biological parent.

The information provided is based on the basic needs of each child being met.

The further away from healthy, well-adjusted parents, the more dysfunction may be present. Then, the possibilities of abuse, neglect, medical illness/trauma, sexual abuse, homelessness, poverty… will increase the emotional toll on both caregivers and children.

There is always hope. You, as an individual, may begin reaching for a healthy “family.” Several generations may have faltered but you may turn this around. Beginning with you, it is possible to increase the emotional stability of this generation and the next. Teaching children about love, respect, personal space, honesty, faith and responsibility will improve their relationship with their own children. Then that generation will raise children to the best of their ability.

You may be the one who changes everything. Have hope. Do the work. Be a leader and a follower and hold yourself to a higher standard. Do you remember a generation when there was bounty and prosperity in your family? Who was the family leader? What values, goals or priorities made it better? Why did it change? There may be a lot of lessons learned from looking back on the most recent successful “parent” and making adjustments to align with that success more closely.



The Pilgrimage

You think that you are travelling to a far off land to find absolution. The truth of your journey is that you are going to find everything you want, need and rely upon inside of you. Your answers are not far away at all. By looking inward you will discover what to heal, where your journey will lead and how to find guidance.

Despite the simplicity of your answer the actual process may seem complicated. Why would you find complexities when being introspective? Because it doesn’t happen automatically. There are steps to take and it doesn’t happen quickly.

The single most important step is to protect yourself from any outside forces or earthbound spirits. There are many protection exercises. Research the internet, find a book or join a spiritual support group to discover which method of protection resonates with you. There is the white egg visualization or outward facing mirror capsule. Asking spirit or animal guides, angels, saints or other higher beings to surround you will work only if you give them your permission to act on your behalf. If you maintain your free will, you will isolate yourself from receiving any assistance.

After activating enough protection to keep you safe during spiritual healing, you must cleanse and clear all areas of your physical and energy body. This is daunting especially if you haven’t begun to heal yet. You must clear any blockages and barriers within your aura and physical body. This will take time since your issues will heal in layers. Spirit and other guides will begin where it makes most sense and then bring up issues as you progress.

Meditation is essential. Start now and improve your ability to go inward and accept direction but NOT from your inner voice. It is entirely possible that you will merely speak to yourself and freelance any issues to heal or direction to take. To get to this point you must stop yourself from speaking while you meditate. Once you get that true silence, your guides will offer your insight.

You must heal and open each chakra. In order to communicate with your Divinity, you must have a clear channel with which to communicate. There are many chakra opening exercise and meditations. Find what process works best for you. Each time you meditate, make chakra health a part of the process. This will promote continued success developing your inner self.

You will open your crown chakra and connect to Heaven and other higher realms available to you. Also, you will connect to Mother Earth through your base chakra. Having this secure connection will assist you invaluable.

There are many exercises for cleansing as well. You may use the “violet flame,” a healing vortex, rinsing with White Light like a shower, getting a Reiki or reflexology treatment or seeing a reputable energy healer. By researching ways to cleanse your energy centers you will find what fits your comfort level and seems easy to use.

Once meditation has improved and you do it routinely, you must do some Inner Child work. You may search this site by the keywords “Inner Child” and read the previous posts. We will also do more Inner Child work beginning soon. The whole idea is to acknowledge the pure, fragile and vulnerable part of you and make it grow strong and healthy.

Your IC will start out young and small then age according to your healing process. Eventually, your IC will appear to you as your current self. This is a lengthy process and you may note your IC varying in age during healing. It is best to accept your IC at any age that they appear. Trust the process and do the work. The goal is to successfully “parent” your younger self and be the guide, protector and teacher that you needed to be raised emotionally healthy. The people who truly had wonderful childhoods will have less work than most of you.

Once you have done all of the initial work you must maintain an open channel to your inner self during meditation. Stay cleansed, cleared and allow ongoing healing. You will be guided about what direction to take, what else you need to resolve and how to increase your energy vibration. Whatever senses usually work for receiving information will also work for this. You may see visions but rarely feel sensations. Or, you may just “know” what is being given to you. Sometimes you hear a voice and also “know” this is not your own inner voice. You may feel sensations on your skin or in your body or smell scents that are not in your environment. These are your five senses working to bring you guidance. The sixth sense is what you will develop through this entire process.

We are so pleased that you are here. We want nothing more but to guide you and bring you directly to God. There is so much to learn by going inward. You may have believed that God was a being outside of you. Now you know that you may find His Grace by looking inward and becoming the perfect vessel for His love and teachings. Understand that God is within you and you are truly worthy of such a gift.

Find the truth and be set free.

Online Charades


Love is at its finest when it is given without expectation. The moment you feel you need some acknowledgment, your pure intentions are lost. One of the most difficult lessons is about selflessness. It is a giant leap in ascension to focus only upon those you love, inspire you and you want to heal.

Many people are not accustomed to looking outward only. Being selfless requires no doubts or second guessing. No hesitation when sending out your energy and intent to heal. You have a habit of looking at someone without any consideration for how they really feel, if they are well or is there joy in their life. You only embrace their outer appearance. You have been content to consider only what people are presenting to you, not what is actually there.

This is more profound now that the internet has made finding friends and partners superficial and seemingly effortless. The vast majority of internet users present only what they want others to believe. There is a lot of deceit, misjudgment and fantasy at play. You also believe what you want to believe so the misrepresentation goes both ways.

This is not how God intended you to find members of your support system. You may find people, interests and groups on the internet but then actual in-person interaction may take place. Find them, meet them and learn to love them. If this is an internet only friendship then make sure it is positive and helpful.

Many people perpetuate their dysfunction through online relationships. You will find an abuser if you behave as a victim. You will be lied to and mistreated if this is part of your expectations. You will fall into someone else’s lies or manipulation if you need to rescue someone or be emotionally battered. The dynamic that you create in real life is also the dynamic you create in your online life except that it is much easier to pull off.

No one is following your tracks unless you want them to. Your parents or siblings don’t always realize that you’ve created something unhealthy while you are online. In real life your family and friends may see that someone is disrespecting you, hurting your feelings or physically mistreating you. Online you only present what you want when your loved ones ask about your life.

The hardship is evident when you don’t realize that you have searched far and wide for someone to fulfil your dysfunction. The same dysfunction that ruined your childhood or ended your marriage. You have not found emotional health; you have found someone to fill your need. You may have fought with loved ones to keep your abuser in real life and you will likely do the same now.

You invest far too much time building a persona that is not real or healthy. This online life will serve to waste days, months or even years of your life. Your online “boyfriend/girlfriend” is not genuine. You behave in ways to mislead them and fulfil what dysfunction they are looking for. Does this serve a purpose? Not really.

God wishes you to find true healing and emotional wellbeing. Find your problems and take steps to resolve them. Do the work. Resolve whatever dynamic has derailed your emotional health. Find a new perspective from a state of wellness and then find love.

You spend your time filling holes in a sinking boat. Then, you find another person who fits into this unhealthy dynamic in real life or on the internet. What results? You are both in a broken boat, filling even bigger holes. This is not happiness. This is not emotional health. You are perpetuating the dysfunction that has already taken up far too much of your time.

What happens most often is that you don’t realize that you have these emotional triggers that shape your life. You continue along like you have found the greatest canvas to feel complete. You have actual joy regarding your online life and most people don’t really know what you are doing. You have your privacy unless you publish your every move on the internet!

This is actually delaying any real growth and maturity. You are active every day to keep playing the same moves over again. “This is who I am. Please love me.” But what of the image you are presenting are not really you?

There are real benefits by having the internet. This may be one way in which it serves no purpose other to entertain you with “relationships.” It is like being part of a play. If you knew an actor that stayed in character even when not performing the play, you would think this was odd. So here you are, or possibly others in your life, playing a role you created, or allowed others to create for you, and you stay in character. You may become defensive that your online life is “real!”

Well, make it real. Be honest and genuine. Learn, express, experience and grow. Find ways to resolve some concerns and share your healing with others who may need to hear how it is done. Respond to constructive suggestions. Are they right? Do you have some underlying behavior that is negative or manipulative? Make changes if those suggestions resonate with you. Find your true self. Release any anger, greed, ego or despair. Open to God and allow your own healing. Find communion and grow exponentially.

Use the internet as tool to support the good work you do while making your own life better and the lives of those you love. Don’t live on the internet. Be mindful and find a healthy balance.


Consider This…

  1. More is learned from changes occurring over time. Sudden changes leave little to no room for expansion.
  2. The Universe gives you what you need, not always what you want.
  3. Lessons learned earlier in life are built upon as you age and mature. Not absorbing the information or intentionally skipping it will delay any further learning. These gaps may stall any learning at all.
  4. Ignorance about lessons provided by people you don’t respect or choose to ignore will also affect any future learning. There are times when your parents, an older sibling or other person provide some much-needed information but you ignore it because of the person who is delivering the messages to you. It is far better to weigh the information and decide whether it is sound advice or not.
  5. Even elders or other mature people change their perspectives over time. Allow for this expansion instead of challenging their shifting direction.
  6. Dogma turns even polite people away.
  7. Believing that you have nothing more to learn is the surest way to stop evolving.
  8. Sometimes you may open an important door simply by admitting that you are wrong.
  9. Opportunities come in all sizes. Some may be imperceptible and others you cannot miss.
  10. Travel may just occupy your time. Staying in place and focusing on learning may be a better choice.
  11. Looking beyond this atmosphere may only serve to block your attention to what we must all deal with. Issues regarding this planet must be addressed or what lies in the Universe will not matter at all.
  12. The earth will not cease to exist but it will become uninhabitable.
  13. People take themselves far too seriously. Being open-minded and relaxed will prove to be far healthier and productive.
  14. War makes for strange bedfellows but love challenges no one. You would be much happier in a room full of loved ones rather than strange people ready for a fight.
  15. There is a power greater than us. This is exactly why we may be forgiven, loved and healed without delay. If it was up to us, we would find problems which forbid these simple things.

Save Yourself First

This is expertly defined by the common example of applying your oxygen mask first in an airplane emergency. If you fall unconscious then you are unable to help anyone else. By saving yourself first, you increase the options of people who will be helped by you, including your children or other loved ones.

This is a difficult concept for many people to grasp. Of course we would “save” our child first! But this is not the best option. By saving yourself first, such as emotional and physical healing, you are better able to save those around you, with healing, love and support. Everyone is better off if you are safe, stable and emotionally healthy. You will be stronger for everyone. You may lead by example and teach others how to promote emotional health and wellbeing.

The difference in teachers is profound. Some are knowledgeable, well-versed, organized and able to get their point across. Others are disorganized, unreliable and emotionally limited. Which type will teach better? The organized one with experience and emotional stability.

Any leader will have better results if they have done their homework, are receptive to variables, truly wish to promote the success of others and resist any breakdown in communication.

What happens when you challenge a leader who does not have any stability? They react poorly. They may lash out, make you the cause of the problem, become distant, lose their focus, appear undone or ignore the breakdown in communication. These are not positive reactions. They lack the strength to teach and lead.

Your intention is to be the better leader/teacher. Through emotional strength and stability you will withstand many conflicts. Faith will show others how grounded and resilient you are. They will lower their defensiveness and be more available to you. You have saved yourself first. Who must you lead? Many people. Most are likely children, coworkers, family members, community members and so on…

We have mentioned many times that you came into this life to teach and to learn. Both sides of the coin. What you are not accepting is that you may lead others and NOT be their parent, boss or partner. Even brief encounters may have the potential to help, improve or benefit someone. Please do not be so literal. God has never sent anyone to earth to live in isolation and not impact those around them. This is part of your life.

You may have positive influences on others and negative ones. The list of these influences would be as expected. Are you a better leader by showing others to steal and commit fraud or by encouraging others to volunteer for charity? Very few things in life are black and white but this list is one of them. Be good, do good. Show others to be good and do good as well. Easier said than done.

The hard part is healing yourself. You have to pick apart many layers of pain and turmoil and resolve them enough in order to be whole. A lot of cleansing and forgiveness is needed. Seeing people as fallible will help. Sometimes loved ones behave in certain ways because that is all they know. You are capable of the same missteps. This doesn’t make you a bad person either. It only means that you and them are still learning and have not found a better way yet. With age usually comes wisdom but this is not guaranteed.

Many people who have been asked if they could would they return to a younger age? Often, the answer if yes but only if I could know what I know now. Many people see that they have made some mistakes along the way. The people who have harmed you may also realize it now. BUT, you must not wait for someone to acknowledge their wrong doing or apologize. You will waste too much time waiting for something that may never happen. Learn to be whole on your own. Just you. This is when you have healed enough to help others to heal as well. Everyone will benefit from your stability.

Immediate healing would take releasing all harmful memories, negative thinking, flushing any dark or muddy energy and complete faith in God. Most people find it much harder than that. Any guide, whether here on earth or on the Other Side, would suggest small, manageable steps since the changes are easier to maintain. Do your best to not fall back into your old habits. The more clarity and light you achieve, the easier the journey becomes.


The Transition is Peaceful…

The transition is peaceful and melodic. The struggle that you feel each and every day is actually not your own. For whatever reason you carry around energy, injury and debris from many years and many lifetimes. You think that the world weighs down upon you because this is your lot in life. This is completely untrue. The deadening weight is energy that you suppose is yours.

“I suppose this is my punishment.” For what?

“I suppose I am a beast of burden and I must carry the weight of others as well as may own.” Why?

“I suppose I haven’t found the key to life so this pressure will not resolve.” Really?

“I suppose everyone feels this horrible weight just like I do.” Not really.

You need meditation, healing, energy cleansing exercises, relief and forgiveness for yourself and others. The pressure that you have chosen to carry may also be released. 90% of it is not even yours! Why have you chosen to bear this dark, heavy burden upon your actual being? This is not metaphorical weight. This is actual stress, pressure, dark and clingy energy usually upon your shoulders, neck, upper back or chest. You have spent much of this life collecting this burden for no real reason.

Guilt may be the #1 cause. Shame for what you believe is a shortfall in your success, faith, job, financial status, family structure, sexual orientation, mental health, visible prosperity… may be another. The oppressive expectations of others may be yet another cause.

You do not have to walk each day of this life with shame, guilt or feelings of failure. None of it is essential. None of it is true. If you notice these 3 causes are not something that you have decided for yourself. They are causes that other people’s opinions have been placed upon you and you kept them. When these thoughts of shame, guilt and failure started, the people who looked upon you probably didn’t even judge you so harshly. You noticed their attention and YOU assigned a negative reason behind it. Then, decided to spend your life proving it to yourself over and over again.

You do not have to carry this burden. It is ok to let go and love yourself. Examine each negative emotion and decide if this is truly how you feel about yourself or did it develop from someone or somewhere else? If it isn’t yours, don’t keep it. How do you feel about your success, job, money, relationships, visible prosperity, appearance…? It is ok to be happy without anyone else cheering for you. You do not need anyone else to love and believe in yourself.

It is also possible to keep the people who you love but release their opinions about you. If your sister is hostile and accusatory, step back and meet her only in ways that she is less problematic. Then, if she unloads on you, let it go. She obviously has her own reasons to dump on her family and friends. That doesn’t make her right. Any person can be managed more positively. Remember to step back and release.

People at work, at your child’s school, in the grocery store… don’t let them define you without you at least deciding if they have a point or not. It is called testing. Test what they have to say about you. Is it true? Ok, maybe they have a point. Is it false? Let it go. Please don’t unleash an angry torrent upon those who you love and deal with frequently. This is not God’s way. Be solemn and appreciative. Either understand their need to alter your life and take their advice or let it go because it is misguided. These are your choices. You must not get up into someone’s face and stand up for yourself. This is not strength. This type of behavior is as misguided as theirs.

You keep your strength more easily when you know your thoughts, opinions and tendencies and resist anyone pulling you out of your comfort. KNOW who you are and stay steady. Be content with yourself and test any changes that you or others wish you to make.

Forcing yourself to belong will only cause heartache. Like who your are and nurture that part of you that seeks spirituality. If you step back from some people, you may also find some new ones to fill your life up again. By knowing yourself and being true to who you want to be will create more opportunities to meet people of like-mind. Communion. Sharing of ideas and faith. You won’t feel so out-of-place if you find some people who believe the same things that you do.

The first step is to release all of that pressure that you feel. Get a cleansing, meditate, try some positive visualization. Shake it off and resist the urge to pick it back up. Imagine someone who starts their day by meditating, praying and asking for Divine guidance. The backpack that was full of rocks yesterday has been cleared of any rocks through this morning self-care practice. Then, this hopeful, excited person spends the rest of the day picking up all of those same rocks and putting them back in their backpack. By the end of the day they are weary and feeling unloved and misunderstood. They lay the backpack at the foot of their bed and fall into a restless sleep. Then they wake up… you guessed it. They cleanse, purify and meditate for this new day.

How sad. The intent of being spiritual and full of grace was outweighed by the habit of carrying around negative thoughts, emotions, opinions and judgments. It is even sadder that at this point in time, you do not cleanse and clear yourself daily. So, instead of unloading that bag of rocks, you simply carry them always. Never putting them down.

Step one is to realize that you carry energy around that is stagnant, dark and clingy. Step two is to cleanse, purify and release that energy daily. Step three is to resist picking up all of that negative energy again. Step four is to allow yourself each new day free from anyone’s attitudes, judgments and opinions. This is how hope is born. Rely on yourself and believe what you believe to be true. Allow you to define who you are and what goals will fulfill your life.

Refuse to carry around someone else’s negative energy. Give yourself the gift of self-love and self-care. Shed any unwanted energy and believe in yourself enough to not carry it around again!

Guilt, shame, and someone else’s unrealistic expectations are not “of God.” True grace has no room for such judgments.


No Reason for Poverty

A specific phrase caught your attention in the last post. In your life you either assumed that sacrifice was essential to spirituality or someone has taught you this. Either way it is inaccurate. You may have your exciting, fulfilling and prosperous life and still work for God. In fact, if you have wealth then you are able to be of more help to those in need. Wealth and faith are not exclusive from each other.

Many people in history have committed to poverty as a way of increasing their faith and spirituality. By releasing any needs or desires they only focus upon the work that God wishes to be done. It is this poverty of focus that allows them to avoid feeling any temptation or distraction. There is nothing else in their lives accept the need to help others.

This may still be the chosen path for some people in this life though it is not necessary. You may focus upon your home and family and still be very generous with those in need. It is this solid foundation that will allow you to replace your feelings of lack with more appropriate feelings of bounty. You must always tell yourself that you have everything that you want and need. You are successful and prosperous and you wish to give gifts of love, belonging and health to others. The “belief” that all of your needs being met will help with your charitable intentions.

Now, there seems to be an even stronger emotional response to this topic. You actually prefer to keep your wealth and bounty and only send wishes of health, love and faith to those in need. This is where you have stepped off your path once again. These are the words of ego and selfishness. Everything in life must occur in moderation. Even your faith and spirituality must be moderate. Your tendency to go overboard with things that you want and need does not help you in any measurable way. God does not support greed. If you already have everything that you need, any excesses will be viewed negatively.

You are not asked to suffer but you are asked to be reasonable. Have a comfortable life AND be charitable. Avoid the excesses of greed, selfishness and ego. These character traits are what places blocks between you and God. The neediness of your thinking will constrict the flow of true Divinity and inspiration. It is like having a scratch on your favorite record. The songs will play well until the record player hits the scratch, then the flow of beauty will be disrupted or stopped altogether. This is your intent to be overly compensated for your charitable thinking.

“I will send good wishes to others but I want infinite wealth and prosperity in return.” God does not barter. You must realign with God and good intentions and release any greedy inspiration that you have. If God wishes to provide you with the bounty of love, faith and wealth, that is because you have worked to promote and help others and have not asked for anything in return. The moment you feel you deserve something, the natural flow of the Divine will cease.

What seems to be at play here is immaturity and selfishness. These traits will not raise you up to meet God in Heaven. You will continue to plot your deservedness and still not raise your vibration and spiritual ability. Your game-playing will waste precious time and you will get nowhere. People may play this very game for years expecting something to eventually be different. Why would the Universe respond differently to your immaturity and greed? It won’t. You must find a better perspective and purpose, THEN the response of the Universe will change.

It seems that you have hit an illogical cycle of thinking. “I will continue to be concerned only with my own success yet I will be granted all of the blessings of a spiritual life.” Not even close.

The Law of Attraction will smack you between the eyes and give you only more immaturity and selfishness. Here is your flawed thinking right back to you. Many of you have nearly run the tires off of this illogical cycle. Perhaps this is why you are here? At some point maybe you have realized that some of the things you are doing haven’t brought about the ideal life circumstances that you desire.

So now we are at a standstill. You want absolution but will give none to anyone other than yourself. You insist that God save you because you have a charitable thought but no charitable intentions or actions. You want because you want. Doesn’t this sound immature? It is truly a childlike argument.

You must break this cycle of illogical thinking in order to make some real progress on your chart. Start anywhere. Change your thinking and be genuinely charitable. Don’t just think charitable thoughts but also take action to benefit others. Place your wants and needs into perspective. To improve your vibration and be spiritually successful you must accept that your needs are met and anything that you have that isn’t essential you may gift to another. Holding tightly to any possession creates a feeling of lack. Then, the Universe will fall into alignment and give you lack as well. The emotions and feelings that accompany having all that you need will naturally bring everything that you need. Simply, the Law of Attraction.

Fill your internal dialog with feelings of having enough and create an overflow of bounty. It is this never-ending flow of spiritual wealth that will provide for you and others. Your cup overflows. Replace your greed and ego with the true belief in abundance. God will give you more than enough if you truly give to others. This is a win/win to the Universe. You are provided for and you provide for others. Your generosity continues unless you turn again toward greed and ego.

We went full circle from you believing that poverty is the only way to enter Heaven to finding out that you are the only person you are concerned about. What a ride.

These answers will not change. If you hand out greed and selfishness you get nothing in return. God will not fill those expectations. You are riding that dysfunctional cycle, again. You must release greed, selfishness, ego and feeling entitled. Once your thoughts turn outward and your desire truly is to help those in need, the Universe will provide for you as well. Your cup fills to overflowing and there is plenty for everyone.

Charts, Chapters and Verses


Stop comparing your life to others. There is no comparison. Many others do not even know that there is an intended life. They are unevolved and unfulfilled. There is good work that goes undone because of their ignorance. Other faithful may try to take up some of the slack but each of you has charted a fairly full life for yourselves. There may not be room to do the duties of anyone else.

Many of you are behind as it is. Committing to the charted life takes awareness, wisdom and knowledge. Some people are more self-centered and desire the captures of an ideal life. There is no real harm in this accept for the work that goes undone for God.

The gap could be closed with group intentions. If they gather together and purposely pray for the work left undone to be known to them and addressed. Life would respond with more clarity. Loose ends would not obscure what people of faith see and do. This would be beneficial overall.

Charts, chapters and verses. It is spelled out and very specific for those who know. It was like writing a play and accounting for every thought and action taken by the actors. Nothing was left to chance. All anyone had to do was remain open to God and follow inspiration. The “charmed” life would have been direct and decisive. Each goal would have been attained and the process would continue on as charted by each person involved.

The damp, dark and heavy environment of earth is enough to block much of your communication with spirit and the Divine. The simplicity of your intended life was made so much more difficult by these conditions. Your direct line of communication suffers from distraction, suppression and unintended avoidance. You do not intend to miss what your life was supposed to be about but you have fallen victim to the challenging environment.

Up until now you have believed that your life was about materialism, leisure and ego. Your awareness that there is a Divine purpose for you has come much later than your self-absorbed goals. Now there is an added distraction which lures you away from spirituality. Then, add your free will into these circumstances and many of you actively resist rejoining your life chart. No glitz, no glamour.

The simple truth is you are intended to see the error of your ways, become emotionally healthy, educate yourself spiritually, embrace faith in God then bring others with you. You help others to heal the same way you were able to heal yourself.

Life has been hard. You may have made some mistakes in decisions made or how you behaved. If you do not see these errors then it is difficult to heal emotionally. You know many people in your own life who have not been able to view their lives objectively. In fact, it may be easier for you to see this in others than for yourself. This is common.

At this time, you are here on this site seeking spiritual guidance. So Our assumption is that you must understand that you don’t know everything or you would like some insider information. We cherish the idea of speaking directly to you. This inspires Us as well. The caveat is the spiritual path is neither the popular one or the easy one. It is more fun to explore emotions, excitement, wealth or other forms of “success.”

We would offer you a different perspective. It is good to find your fun and work for God. They are not mutually exclusive. Your fun must be positive, proactive and productive. No harm to anyone, including yourself, and with the best intentions. We have never asked you to go without, suffer, live in poverty, avoid happiness or be unfulfilled. Perhaps your assumption of living in faith means that you can’t have any fun. This is untrue.

Living with a strong faith in spirit, the Divine and God is actually very comforting and blissful. You naturally resist fear, worry or failure. No illness, mistake, accident, loss or painful experience ever occurs without bringing you something to learn and overcome. The experience may actually be the lesson. It is far more beautiful than you may have imagined. Once you have truly embraced a strong belief in God, you naturally want to share it. Those are your life goals.

Faith is very liberating. You may try anything or help anyone. Perhaps it does not go as planned but you still feel successful because you made the effort in good faith. It was an experience, you learned something and you will make changes the next time you try to help someone again. All positives! Living for God has no downside, ever.

You may say, “Yes, but…” There is no downside when you have the optimal perspective of living for God. Serious disease, horrendous accidents, losing a child, bankruptcy, natural disasters… all have lessons which God wants you to experience. There is always something to learn and to teach. You will embrace this truth once you understand that you are eternal. Your life does not end when you leave this earth no matter how you go or why. Life is 100% about the experiences, learning, growing healthy, finding God, healing others and bringing them to God with you.

Have fun. Laugh. Enjoy what you do. Be fulfilled and work for God. Don’t make it harder than it is.


Standing On Your Own

Many of you are having trouble accepting that your current life circumstances are your own responsibility. It seems to make more sense to blame other people, situations or circumstances for  your life.

Even re-reading the above paragraph should hit you that of course your life is your responsibility. What mind warp has occurred to allow you to rest any responsibility upon anything and anyone but yourself? It seems more likely that the dysfunction that created your life perspective is hard at work making you truly believe that you are not at fault. You were taught through years of modeling that blaming anyone but yourself is acceptable. In fact, others in your life are probably blaming you for some things that are also not your responsibility.

Accepting responsibility for your own circumstances is difficult and very lonely. Once you have stood firmly up on your own feet and have accepted that you are the only person who changes you, it is an unfamiliar feeling. Many people become angry when someone tries to get them to accept responsibility. Anger is a coping mechanism. You over react so no one will ever try to impress upon you that you must make changes to your own life. If you blow up in their face, they won’t try again and you may remain blissfully ignorant.

But this is not the way you charted your life. By avoiding any blame you actually miss some important life lessons. Your chart is intended that you find your own strength and accept responsibility for what needs to be changed. Then you work toward further emotional health. You don’t succeed spiritually by not being fully responsible for your actions, intentions and communication.

This still upsets you.

You are having a hard time with this concept. We understand and We will walk you through as much as possible.

One example is growing up with an alcoholic parent. You live with anger, violence, depression, emotional manipulation, money problems, abuse and neglect. Then, as an adult, you choose to overindulge in alcohol. Thus, you bring all those same problems into your own home and family. This no longer is your parent’s fault. You know the dynamic, you understand the emotional turmoil this brings into your home and yet you choose to live your life the same way. You are an adult. You have your own home, family and workplace. You have chosen to recreate the dysfunction of your childhood. No one has forced you to be an alcoholic. It may have happened because of the dysfunction that you knew but now YOU must make different choices. Do the work. Get help and achieve more emotional health and stability for you and your family.

Then what? Your children have likely learned to blame others and rely upon substances in daily life. Now, again, you have been responsible for raising them in this environment and modeling some negative, ineffective coping mechanisms. They will also blame you and everyone but themselves. Then, once they are adults, they must make changes to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of their own family.

The ideal situation would be for emotionally healthy, responsible and spiritual people to partner together and raise some well-adjusted children. You don’t get to this point by blaming others. If you blame others irrationally, your children will also behave in the same manner. Then, you will become angry and frustrated because they will naturally blame you!

It is a cycle. Life is full of cycles. You are destined to experience the same patterns, behaviors and actions until you learn the lessons that were intended. If you don’t learn the lessons and accept responsibility for your actions, you will continue to relive these cycles and never accomplish what you and God intended. No spiritual success because you did not understand that, as an adult, you are responsible for making the needed changes to your life.

This is an important concept. Imagine living your entire life and not reaching any goals that the Divine intended. You’re just here, making ineffective decisions, blaming others and remaining spiritually unsuccessful. An entire life cycle of dysfunction. This should upset you more than accepting responsibility for your own actions.

The anger is real. You have lived your life conditioned to resist any blame. Even your attempts to blame others may be irrational and occasionally comical. You go to great distances to stay irresponsible. This is a path to nowhere.

It is time to start. It is ok to make smaller changes at first. It is important to make the changes last and improve your life continuously. You will find strength in standing on your own. You have decided to make some changes and improve your spiritual and emotional health. This is how you truly find God. You may find God, go to church, pray and share communion with other believers but if you still perpetuate your dysfunction, this isn’t genuine. You would join others who only preach on Sunday and don’t truly live a spiritual life. This is a mockery. We are certain that you know many people who behave in this manner. They try to portray faith but actually just feverishly cover up their dysfunction.

This is not Our intention for you. We would like to remove your false thinking and instead give you genuine, practical and authentic knowledge about God and the Realms of Heaven.

Your resistance to accepting responsibility for your life is not productive. Pushing blame away from you is furthering the dysfunction that you have already lived and learned. There is no purpose to continuing these cycles. No benefits will result. Prepare yourself to live honestly, independently and spiritually. These coping skills of anger, frustration, fleeing, becoming overwhelmed, depression … have been “normal” for you, but now you know the truth. Understand it for what it is.

Do your best to view your life objectively and start making changes. Staying the same is not spiritual success. Pushing back against the truth does not help. Taking steps to being wise and full of faith really needs to start now. It is uncomfortable at first but then you will find strength in accepting responsibility. It is an uncommon trait in today’s world but this is where life truly begins.

Break the cycles that have held you back. They are immature, meaningless and you really can’t hide behind them any longer. A life free of these shackles is a reward in itself. Be eager to experience this.


Beyond Boundaries

Sometimes going beyond your comfort level is just what you need to jumpstart your spirituality. Meeting new people and trying new things will open some doors that you may have inadvertently closed. If you are sluggish in completing your chart, this may be one reason why your experiences aren’t coming to you efficiently.

You have heard the saying that the only person that you can change is yourself. This is true. If you refuse to push yourself beyond what is common and comfortable, you will miss some important experiences and possibly some people that were supposed to be in your chart.

By far the most common question for  psychics, mediums, card readers… is about love and finding the perfect partner. I myself have been asked this question much more frequently than any other. The problem is… people want someone perfect. There is no such thing. Every relationship requires adjustment and compromise. Over time you grow together or you grow apart. If you really want to keep this “perfect” relationship then it takes some work.

You have charted basically everything in your life. Some potential partners are missed because you are looking over their shoulder for that “perfect” person. Each time I respond to that one question, the person asking it tunes out. They do not want to do any searching or work at any part of the relationship. They think that finding the right job, partner, home, school… should take no energy. They want everything dropped into their lap. It won’t.

More often you must take some roads that you have not travelled, attend groups or classes that you never tried before. By expecting perfection, real life passes you by. Becoming evolved takes effort and commitment. It isn’t easy and you never get to say, “It’s because of this or that.” Why? Because you are an adult and you must accept responsibility for what you do in your own life. It is no longer your mother/father, the school, the job, an accident, a serious injury, debt… You must make changes to respond and react to what life has been for you. No one ever promised you “perfect.” There would be no learning if things didn’t take effort.

You must be the one who makes changes if what you are currently doing is not positive, proactive and healthy. A bad relationship is exactly that. Abusive relationships must be addressed. Changes are needed in order to grow closer to God. Improving your vibration is necessary. Lifting yourself up is truly an increase in vibration. Negativity, abuse, mistrust, manipulation, conflict, chaos and unhappiness bring you down.

Being successful in life takes work. You are responsible for what needs changing. This is exactly how you wanted it. Incarnating into earth life is a challenge and you were fully aware of this. Now take the time and set some goals. Prioritize what needs to be done. Resist the tendency to want everything ready-made. Any relationship, home, job… needs work. You make it into what you want it to be. Did you really find everything in your life already perfect? No! The same is true with your spirituality. Being stagnant does not improve your knowledge and learning. Following someone else also does not bring about the “you” that you want to be.

Your life is a process. Things change and so do you. Keeping some things current requires you to put in some effort and there is nothing wrong with that. Being stagnant in your everyday life will keep you uninspired. Be sure to try new things. Even trying something just once will bring new energy into your life. You are the one stating that nothing ever changes. Well, what are you doing to mix things up?

New people, places and experiences will allow the Universe to bring some of those missed lessons back to you. Staying in a constant routine leaves little chance for God and others to bless you with improvements, updates and upgrades.

The chance for something purely wonderful and “perfect” to fall into your lap happens when you are on your path, making progress on your chart, being open-minded and available to new experiences. That is part of the “charmed” feeling that you get when you are close to God. Then, it is possible for the miracle of something perfect to find you. All of us here are not at that point in our lives. We all have more work to do. It is very important that you are available for new things and experiences otherwise the Divine will not have any way to drop those blessings upon you!

The fear of change will also block those opportunities. Many people fear that things will change and most assume the change is for the worse. This is so untrue. Change is good and necessary. If there were no change you wouldn’t find the right job, a good partner, a better home, better health and more success both spiritually and monetarily.

Change is that beautiful avenue which brings about everything you expected and asked for. Embrace it. Be available. Open up to many new experiences and resist the urge to keeps things the same. Change is how we become the best of ourselves. God brings opportunities for us to evolve and grow. Once we have our strength and confidence we help others to challenge themselves to be better.

There are many spirit guides and earth guides that you have charted along your path. Are you allowing yourself to find them? If not, how many truly inspiring experiences have you missed? All of this just because you don’t like change. Sadly, change is what will bring you the ability to improve your life and everything that you have in it.

Be strong. Have faith. Embrace what God has sent your way! Don’t miss another moment of your happiness.