Tag Archives: EGO

What Do I Know?

I am working on a lot of self-discovery and have had a giant boost in energy, intuition and spiritual growth. I am nearing the end of this life phase and will start another one. I just don’t know when. Spirit may say “soon” and it happens 3 years later! That is the problem with psychic readings or direction from spirit. Their timeline and ours are very different.

As a psychic I have learned to ask for more specific information like month, season or even year. I had a psychic reading perhaps 5 years ago and I asked her when I would receive something very specific. She answered “August.” Naturally I thought it was August 5 years ago. It wasn’t. This event seems to be starting now. So I could have asked, “August of what year?” Try to remember when you are given information from spirit that you may need some additional information.

When I speak of people charting 1/3 of their life with difficult lessons and turmoil, I speak from experience. My childhood was very difficult and I still don’t openly discuss what I went through even with my own children. But, my childhood was tragic up to the age of 18 or 19. Then, as an adult (more or less) the tragedy was part my own doing and part abusive marriage. As I aged I did ask spirit for the meaning of my childhood situations and that is when they told me about the common 1/3 tendency.  Part of what you read on this site is me and most of it is spirit over the years. I would never author this blog on my own. I am a conduit, not a spiritual leader!

In my own life my childhood was wrought with trauma and difficult situations. My young adulthood I began to learn that those harsh lessons were meant to teach me something. My marriage taught me too many difficult lessons about abuse, self-worth, parenthood, consequences… Then, I started my actual learning phase. I found God, began to pray and understood that I had charted this life in order to learn some specific lessons. What I struggled to learn, I could help to teach others in similar situations.

Thankfully, I am beyond my 1/3 of trouble. This next phase is something better and coming from a vastly different perspective. My connection to spirit is very good. My ability to “read” other people has improved immensely. My willingness to step forward and help those around me is still not enough, this I know. I tend to avoid turmoil if I can. My ability to accept direction from spirit is awesome. I am given dialog, charts, graphs, timelines, agendas, song lyrics, life stories spoken as fairy tales… I have no doubt that my ability to comprehend and share spirit guidance is pretty good.

We have been told in the past that your greatest teachers are perhaps those who have harmed you the most. This is true in my life. My mother and ex-husband taught me volumes of learning and knowledge. Each sibling has come with a different set of lessons. Aunts, uncles, cousins and community members have taught me some important things as well. This is so important for you to understand. Yes, it hurts, but what is the purpose for what you have experienced? What are important are the lessons. Even if you have to write things down to figure out what the purpose was, get something positive out of everything that you go through. Always be willing to learn.

I have continued to learn from my parents even beyond their death. That is one benefit of being psychic. They have each changed so much after leaving this life. It will bring me to tears. I am on better terms with each of them now. This is a blessing. They want me to share information with my siblings or other family members but I tend to avoid these expectations. Why? Because I think they will focus on me and not the message. Who am I? What do I know? Keep this to yourself!

As a psychic, it takes a while before people are ready to accept that information, guidance and direction are not coming from me. I get a lot of anger because I don’t mince words. Spirit is direct and so am I. This may hurt your feelings, and it usually does. I believe that my duty is to give you all of the information that spirit wishes you to know. If I start editing or paraphrasing, I am doing you a disservice. So imagine how interesting a spirit-guided visit would be for one of my siblings. Yikes. I am the youngest of 8. No one wants to hear my mouth even though I am in my 50’s and have changed a lot. A drop by reading is never good.

Please take the information provided by spirit with an open mind and an eagerness to learn. If your life were nothing but kisses and flowers, there may be less emotional pain but how often is that? Get a recording or write it down. Review it from time to time to time and be objective. I have had people offended when they receive the reading and then truly grateful after a year. This is common. The truth hurts. Sorry.

Always be sure whether you are getting actual spirit information or if the psychic is giving you advice or somehow altering the message. I stopped seeing a psychic because I was getting her own advice! This is not what a reading is for. If someone is genuine they may give you the factual information then expand upon it if you have questions. But ALL of the information is from spirit or other Divine beings.

Remove the emotion from what you have heard and set about discovering the lessons.

If you hear voices and are not psychotic, be careful who you think that they are. It is usually your self-talk but it could be something more troublesome. I find I hear inauthentic voices often. By being psychic, spirit is drawn to me. I shine like a beacon. Earthbound spirits may dwell in my space in order to soak up my energy or provide me with false information. I call it debris. I am able to pray and ask for the debris to be blocked, meditate and seek my higher guides to block it or envision blocks myself using energy and light. I still get caught unaware so I can imagine it may be easy for you to get derailed.

This is where the advice comes from about information being upsetting. If it is not matter-of-fact, it is not genuine. This is one of the more difficult situations to comb through.

“The voice sounds just like my uncle.” A ghost will flip through the files in your brain and represent themselves as your uncle. They may provide the smell of cologne, whiskey and breath mints but it still isn’t your uncle. Our own minds are very creative. This discernment takes time. As I have said, even after 15 years I still get debris. It is constant.

Often I get a voice that either tells me what I want to hear or taps into what I want or need just to cause me emotional pain. This could be my own ego voice which will cause upset intentionally or debris. The best way to discern where the voice is coming from is through my God Center, being grounded and full of Light. If I touch my fingers to my God Center, I get a sense of truth about it and I am able to either quiet my ego voice or banish the debris. This is a great way to double check the origin of a lot of different energy.

Usually in a reading, spirit will say something about an object, event or situation that is current. This is to let you know that they are in your life at present. They like the new paint in the kitchen, your new hairstyle or congratulations on your son’s wedding. This lets you know they are near you and share in the special events of your life or perhaps some upsetting moments as well.

Be careful taking advice from spirit. They may have crossed over but they still offer some bad advice. Spirit will retain their usual prejudices, paranoia or preferences. Don’t take financial advice from a loved one who died heavily in debt. Just because they are on the Other Side does not make them experts.

You may receive wonderful information about your health and well-being as long as the details come from a genuine source. Be cautious and double check where the information is coming from.

I get information about car accidents, illnesses, injuries, presidential elections, and the gender of unborn babies… Do I always pass along this information? No. There is a purpose to each event. I had become aware that my nephew would total his new truck. I was told when, where, the circumstances of his loss of control of the vehicle and that he would not be seriously harmed. I did not inform him or my sister. He needed to learn about speeding, winter road conditions and driving under the influence of alcohol. He learned those lessons without me.

Sometimes I will pass information along but this is usually to people who know where this information comes from and are open to psychic/mediums. I am not the psychic that will walk up to you in the supermarket and tell you to get to the Dr. This isn’t me.

If you want that type of information, make sure that the psychic knows. If you don’t get the information it is because you can’t do anything about it. Nothing would be influenced if you were to know. It is that simple. Someone isn’t a bad psychic if they don’t have all the information.

This is some gentle information about psychics, spirit guides, hearing voices and getting accurate information. It is truly a blend of me and spirit. I find that the more I love you and others, the better and more accurate the information is that I am provided. If I was trying to make a million dollars, I would be acting from ego and the details would be wholly untrue and possibly inflammatory. Not matter-of-fact.

I will be sure to let you know when my new life phase starts. Now that I know it is August of 2017! It has been a wild ride but you will know what I know. I have done the work and have tools that you may not. Thank you for being here.



The Blessed Journey Within

Finding God does not take a trip of a thousand footsteps. You merely have to look inside to find HIM.

Why do you feel that faith is something that you find somewhere? Your soul has all of the necessary information on God and life that you will ever need. Looking outside of yourself may be a deterrent to finding those “truths” that you know exist.

You don’t live life inside of yourself. This would accomplish nothing. You must balance what happens around you and what is in your soul. To initially find your faith you must touch upon it where it resides in your God Center. This is in your solar plexus or the area behind the tip of your sternum.

Often advice comes suggesting you follow your heart or what you have determined to be factual in your mind. These two energy centers may not give you the most accurate information. Emotions cloud much of the information that spirit may provide to you. It is this fact that skews your guidance.

Emotions will keep you actively involved in negative loops of thinking and behavior. If you are in an abusive relationship will you leave and get safe if you follow your heart? No. You will likely stay because you love that person. You love them enough to keep forgiving them over and over again. What does your mind say about this? Whatever you choose to tell yourself. Your self-talk may be keeping you in this relationship as well. “I love him, he will change, and she made a promise this time… I know she will change for me.” Either your heart or your mind has not provided you with truthful information.

You will be chasing emotions for the rest of your life but this will not get you anywhere. The truth is in your God Center. Touch your fingers to the lower portion of your sternum. Be still and meditative if possible. Find that truth that is there. To know you have successfully made a connection to your true self you will feel a sense of calm and knowing.

This knowledge is based in truth so there is no emotion attached to it. This is also a good state to be mindful. In this inner connection you find truth and stability that you may have not known before. Emotion makes you run here or there, become upset with what is and mood swings from euphoria to desolation. This is not spiritual health. This is being a slave to your emotions.

Have you found that you haven’t made any real progress by following your emotions? If you make decisions by what mood you are in, there is no authentic motivation. These decisions may leave you feeling empty, lost or alone. You may also feel like you never get ahead. It may be like climbing a mountain of fine sand. You have images of never reaching the top.

Your chart is in your God Center. Your guides and God are there too.

If you find your mind whirls with chatter, who are you actually listening to? Most of the time it is your own inner voice. Occasionally it is a guide or other Divine being. Sometimes it is a ghost or earthbound spirit who offers you useless or upsetting information. There are darker beings that may invade your mind but that would take a skilled seer to discover this. NEVER go to someone who has no training or background in dealing with attachments or nefarious spirits. This will only deepen your struggles.

Information given to you that is frightening is not a spirit guide. Genuine guidance from spirit guides is matter-of-fact. They are verbally blunt and expressionless. This emotionless exchange is true. You always have to remember how you felt the moment you received the information. Why? Because you will add emotion, fear, excitement, dread, hopelessness… It may be helpful to write it down so when your mind or heart begins to add layers of nonsensical information you may reconnect with how you felt when you originally became aware of the information. Weed out the mind/heart interference and remember what the genuine message was.

Receiving genuine guidance may not make you very popular. You tend to become matter-of-fact as well. Things make sense and seem obvious. You have a direct line to what your intuition states from this life and perhaps a few others. This unquestionable “knowing” may irritate those you deal with. They may feel that you are uncaring or a know-it-all. They may also mistake your mental strength and stability as some type of personality disorder. You really want people to know that you love them and offer support, care and nurturing. You are not an emotionless robot so do not present yourself as one. This is one caveat. Remember to offer love and support because when others are still dealing from their heart or mind they will not comprehend your God Center directness. Find truth but remember how to love.

Have you known spiritual leaders to seem arrogant or lofty? This is that caveat that we make reference to. You may have profound faith and dedication to God but still seem unapproachable or distant. This really doesn’t help you or anyone else. Life does not occur in a vacuum. You need information from within AND still participate in life. This is one of your life goals.

To be lofty and above all others will make your soul group connections diminish. You will seem to travel in isolation. You may only communicate with others who have your same lofty beliefs. Then what good are you doing for your loved ones, family and community? Be a real person with a direct connection to God. Remain humble and stay connected to loved ones. Be aware that they are still dealing in terms that you have found to be ineffective and obsolete. They still deserve your love and attention. If they cannot deal with you on your spiritual level then choose to send them angels, pray for their well-being and jump in with help where and when you can.

Don’t be a silo in a world of too many silos. Use your knowledge and awareness to help everyone along. Send love, hope and healing to all others. You are not going to break bread with them or allow them to live in your guest room but a thoughtful prayer and blessing is awesome. There are struggles throughout this world. Send something positive to these places or situations. Many spiritual beings will offer that LOVE is always the answer. Embrace this and see where it takes you.

Love is truly in your God Center. Self-love, love of others and love for all Creation does not just reside in your heart. The entirety of “your” truth is in your God Center and real life will flow from there.

Sympathy and Empathy

People often ask how to be a better person? It is always a simple answer. If you look at the behavior, thinking and intentions of anyone you may see that they are basically positive or negative. This may be easier for you to decide about other people since you would tend to be objective. If you are asked about your own overall wellness and positivity, you would tend to split hairs, justify certain behavior and make excuses. You would be offended by someone’s quick assertions about you.

Basically, if you do good things and have a positive attitude, you are a good person. If you harm people intentionally, steal, lie, manipulate and live without sympathy/empathy for anyone, you are a bad person. Any action may be assessed in this manner. It is much like a judge in a court of law. This person will accept descriptions, facts, information and testimony then make a determination. This is also how the Universe decides what your energy vibration is. Just the facts.

What does your behavior say about you without any excuses or explanations?

This is a difficult way to look at you. In your current world you have a list of reasons and explanations for your behavior. You are depressed, you are reacting to something, you are getting back at someone, you are jealous, you have trauma in your past… There are so many layers for why you act, feel and behave in a certain way.

If you are happy, well-adjusted, flexible and self-determined you rarely act out against others. You may have thoughts of vengeance but why would you go through with it when everything is good in your life? Your own flexibility takes over and you move on to much more interesting and positive things. The people who seek vengeance and actively sabotage people in their lives usually have a lower vibration. They are dark. They see no benefit to responding to stress in a positive manner. They move from one conflict to another and try to get the better of anyone who they feel is in their way or have spoken out or acted out against them.

Their darkness varies. Some people are very dark and evil. Other people are grey, darker grey or intermittently dark. You have been in contact with truly evil people. They make you cringe and you go the other way ASAP. You get a creepy feeling and perhaps your skin feels like it is crawling. Some are described as having dead eyes. You see no emotion or feeling in their gaze. Or, they may look right through you.

What you may not actually know is where you are on the continuum of energy vibration. Are you mostly good or mostly bad? Making an assessment about your own behavior will be difficult because of your explanations and justifications. Make your best effort to decide where you stand on a scale of 1- 10.

Be honest and then go about raising your vibration. No excuses, explanations or justifications. Simply good behavior or bad behavior. Be a nice, supportive and friendly person. View your actions alone. You don’t get this yet, we know. Why would we negate all of your past experiences in reference to how you interact with the world today? Because you are an adult and you must overcome adversity and find goodness in yourself and others.

This is also how we answer the damnation question. If you are a higher vibration person, you cross over and dwell in the upper 5 levels of the Afterlife. Those who have a lower vibration cross over and find themselves in the lower 2 levels.

Why would you knowingly behave in ways where you may end up in the lower levels? The extensive list of questions about how to get away with as much as possible and still not go to Hell was eye opening. It seemed like a very childlike agenda. Can I cheat on my spouse if they deserve it? If my mom did not properly care for me as a child do I have to take care of her now that she is older and sickly? Is harming someone in the name of religion still wrong? Again, look at the action and not the backstory. Harming others, stealing money, lying, cheating, violence… is never OK. If you cannot get past what has occurred between you and the other person than the only thing you can do is walk away. Do no harm and seek no vengeance. This action will increase your vibration.

It is the acting out in harmful ways that lowers your vibration. It is best to not have the darker thoughts as well but the important thing is to not act upon them. Then, work on yourself every day to resist having the darker thoughts as well. Have you noticed that we did not take into account the layers of why, who and what? It is the thoughts and actions, not the backstory.

Enter the concepts of sympathy and empathy. These considerations are for others, not you. Rate your own actions according to how you influence or impair another. If you have no need for sympathy and empathy, then your path is much longer. If you are able to embrace your potential influence upon others, you are much closer to a resolution.

Meet all of your darker thinking and overcome them. Being an independent adult who is self-directed means that you are accountable for your thoughts and actions. You may have been seriously harmed yet God expects you to overcome and offer the Universe love and forgiveness. You are absolved for your sins as well. This is a global event. Everyone is eligible for absolution unless you are dark and treat others with dark thoughts, behaviors and actions.

It is very simple. There is no ambiguity. Your vibration determines your life experience and where you cross over to in the afterlife.

Combat Ego

How do you combat your ego voice? Stop all of the internal dialog in your head. It really isn’t that easy to do. We all have tendencies to talk to ourselves throughout our day.

The one best suggestion is to filter through only YOUR voice talking to yourself and omit all other voices or thoughts. This approach takes a lot of practice and persistence. You really have to stay on top of the inner dialog because you will likely restart it if you forget your focus.

What is the result? You will hear only silence and this may seem unnerving. Many people will not go to this extent. We have come to believe that our inner voice is comforting and humorous. We say things to ourselves which may seem like being your own friend or keeping yourself company.

Have you heard of “thought insertion?” Some people believe that this is a part of being intuitive. You may believe that spirit, God or other loved ones will give you a thought that just pops into your head. You have no way to explain why you had the thought or where it came from but it was very well-timed. “Remember your lunch,” just before you leave your home to travel to work. “Don’t forget your glasses.” “Call Stacey about lunch.” They may be reminders or suggestions and they don’t seem to originate in your own thoughts or memories. They resonate with you because you did need to remember your lunch, call Stacey back and bring your glasses with you.

Why speak about thought insertion? This is another way that ego may derail your success. Ego may give you direction that just enters your mind. It may seem minimal or discreet at first until you begin to rely upon it. Then, it will get more fantastical and out of line. Ego will lead you well out-of-bounds and possibly into embarrassing territory if you don’t learn how to catch it.

You may say something that pops into your head then immediately regret it. This is also ego trying to cause havoc and turmoil. Others may begin to be suspect of your mental health. Being able to filter the truth and ego fancy may be difficult but it is necessary. Try not to blurt out thoughts until you have reviewed them and tested it to be your true thoughts.

Other ways to protect yourself from ego disruption are:

1. Be grounded. Achieve and maintain a connection to God and Mother Earth. Being in this emotionally and physically stable condition will ward off many unproductive impulses that you may have.
There are many grounding exercises that you may review and consider. Being grounded is essential to spiritual advancement. If you are not connected, you may feel floaty and insecure and that is not optimal for your positive interactions with the world.

2. Keep only God in your heart. Flush any negative or muddy colors from your being and refill every particle with White Light. Healthy Light is bright, fluid and crystal clear. You must allow energy to flow in and flow back out. Too many people white knuckle life and this is in opposition to your ascension. Fluidity is conducive to good health and being receptive to the input and flow of God. You may now recognize the counterproductive state of putting up walls and shielding yourself from life. Being tense and resistive to energy will lead to illness and stress.
You may realize that when you are relaxed, you “go with the flow,” literally. This can be your natural state. Leave all stress and worry to God. Allow yourself to experience and grow.

3. Clean out your ears. When you are resistive to auditory input you may literally block your ears with dark, stagnant energy. Healthy hearing is not thick or plugged. Your ear chakras are red violet. This hue is actually quite beautiful. As with any chakra, allow your ears to be fluid and full of Light. Many people don’t want to hear about anything negative or upsetting and they will block their ears without fully being aware of it. Make this chakra clearing a part of your daily practise of communing with God and flushing out all dark or muddy colors.

4. Ask your guides to filter your ego voice. The important thing to remember is to give them permission. Even your main guide or guiding angel cannot intervene in your behalf without your permission. You may station angels in your ears or any other comforting being of Light. Keep up with this habit. Once you become lax your ego voice will start up again.

5. Say a prayer to only hear from beings who come from God and act in your best interest. You may weed out any unnecessary chatter by keeping vigilant with this request. You may also pray before bedtime. Ask to be protected by God, guides and departed loved ones as you sleep. Specifically ask to keep any ghosts, negative beings or your own ego voice from speaking to you. This is a filter. The better you become at recognizing destructive voices the less intervention you will need from your Heavenly Hosts.

6. Fill your mind with positive affirmations. Resist the tendency for your mind to wander back to unneeded dialog. Many people have a habit of speaking negatively to oneself. Stop this chatter right away and make sure everything that flows through your mind is positive, supportive and “of God.”
Make a list of your own affirmations or find some which resonate with you through research. This is one of the easiest ways to bring God, angels, Saints and other Heavenly Beings closer. State, “God is with me.” “My angels surround me.” “My guides are keeping me safe and in the Light.” “I heal easily and stay well.” “Money comes easily to me.” Use statements that you find reassuring and bring you comfort.
Strike back at some of your more troubling fears. “I am beautiful and healthy.” “I am active and have energy throughout my day.” “I have many friends.” “I love my job.” Saying it to yourself will actually bring these states of wellness to you.

We understand that you are uncertain about how to rid yourself of your destructive ego. You falsely believe that ego is a part of you. Afterall, everyone has an ego right?! No. It is truly possible to behave and react with only God and good intentions in your heart. Ego is not necessary or wanted. There is no productive job for an ego to perform. You may be self-protective without it.

Have faith and understand that if you experience something stressful or upsetting it is merely a lesson that is intended to bring you maturity and wisdom. Resist the urge to place barriers in your own way. Ego is actually weak and ineffective if you are emotionally healthy and full of God’s Grace. Walking with God will strengthen your resolve to banish your ego voice forever.

This is God’s Will and one of your purposes in life.