Tag Archives: love

Troubleshooting The Booth

There should not be any rumbling, shaking or other disruptive types of action while using your booth. If there is, you have disruptive energy around you. It is likely some being that is trying to disrupt your intent to seek spiritual enlightenment.

Over the years you may have gathered some disruptive energies into your personal space. Some may be ghosts but it is also possible that you have created beings through fear, confusion or trauma. You may carry images of situations or events that were traumatic and this energy has formed a sort of entity. You may also have intentionally created an energy being which certainly was misguided at best.

Perhaps someone assaulted you. In your mind’s eye you carry that image of this person and have attached emotion, behavior and control over you. The perpetrator is gone but you have embodied the assault and the attacker into one form and have fed it power over you. This may be more common with continued victimization such as sexual, emotional or psychological abuse over time. You likely don’t know this energy is even there. We create images all the time and some gain more significance either with or without our knowledge. You may have created a “monster.”

There are also people that could have attacked you intentionally through anger, jealousy, greed or despondency. Their continued negative focus on you may have taken form either with or without their knowledge. People who are abusive and controlling routinely create a dynamic of control that may be so intense that it takes form. It’s like having your abuser constantly looking over your shoulder. There may be cords involved and you may actually have given consent to form this energy being just to appease your abuser. By giving in to actions to control you this may have taken form and you feed this monitor just to try and keep the peace. This also is conscious or subconscious.

The controller may be parents, siblings, childhood friends, co-workers… any person who sends negative energy toward you for an extended amount of time may create an energy form to deal out punishment to you. Like with cords, the person who sent the cord may resist having it cut or otherwise removed. Any change in the usual flow may be met with resistance. The most important concept is that these cords, energy forms or ghosts should be removed and kept from taking up residence in your being again. The booth is a great way to do this.

So, to make this exercise easier, lets form the booth in a meadow. Simple yet easily imagined by most people. As you place it upon the Earth set roots from it into Mother as deep down as you can comfortably imagine. Occupy your booth and call upon your Gate Keeper. Start the exercise and be sure to give the Gate Keeper permission to remove any outside forces known or unknown. Ask and give permission to cut cords, remove any dark energy, flush your being with intense White Light and refuse to allow any disruptive energy to take form again.

Pump up the Light intensity and relax. If any movement, shift, shaking or distracting motion occurs, call out to your Gate Keeper and ask them to put a stop to it. Use the word “NOW.” “Gate Keeper! Stop this motion or movement NOW! Remove any unwanted energy from my sacred space.” You may want to send the booth roots deeper into the Earth and release the stress and tension that you just created from fear. Trust again.

Your Gate Keeper is not unreliable or inexperienced. Any unwanted action is created by you. Either through fear or mistrust. If you allow the Gate Keeper to perform their duty, there would be no distractions.

Perhaps these ideas are unfamiliar to you. Maybe having guides is an uncomfortable idea. Or this belief is not supported by your experience with organized religion. These are concepts you have to deal with in order to proceed along this path. Many people prefer the punitive, highly structured religion they are familiar with. This is all ok and it is completely your choice.

I will present to you that spirit exists. There is life after death and we continue on in an energy form. We have lived before and we will live again. We have relationships with those in spirit and those in life. We never existed as a solitary being in any form. These connections are maintained with your full knowledge and permission and if not, your spiritual health will improve if the unwanted relationship is dissolved. This is good self-care. This is how God wishes you to proceed. There are a multitude of Heavenly beings available to help. It is important to separate the genuine, Divine energy from the disruptive darker energy. Life will flow with grace and you will wonder why you didn’t release these unhealthy ties before.

Existing without ties is not scary or reckless. It is the intended way to travel your path until you go Home again. Unconstricted existence is you in purest form. As long as you are grounded to Mother Earth and God!

Love Letter From Your Spirit Guide

I walk with you daily.

I make my bed with you each night.

I hold the light for you when darkness nears.

My heart goes out to you each time you cry.

I made this life to walk beside you and fulfil what your heart desires.

It is not my wish to cause you pain and sadness but instead to cause your expansion & learning.

I love you above all others and you are worthy of my time & attention.

I have but one gift to give you and that is My Eternal Love.

We are one and the same. To demean you is to demean me as well and I do not deserve it.


We have talked before about exit points and that anyone may choose to leave at a designated point for many reasons. They may have felt their jobs were done, they had little more to gain from staying any longer or they wanted to teach others through their loss.

Mass deaths occur for many reasons but it usually about bringing people together. The past has shown many examples of this. Lives lost to terrorism are intended to bring everyone together without care about religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity… The death of a child is the loss of everyone’s child, metaphorically. The recent London attacks were to bring all others together to grieve the loss of human life, not by identifying characteristics but because we are all human.

That day we lost “family members.” We did not stop to demean their existence with acceptable or unacceptable traits and identities. In the early hours of the attack we simply felt the loss. Our hearts ached. Hopefully we never stopped to identify who resembled us more or which lives lost was of more value. This is global consciousness. We felt genuine emotion for people we never knew and the families that suffered the losses. This brought us together in energy.

This energy of togetherness blanketed the earth and we boosted healing for our entire global community. For a time we felt genuine emotion for others around the world and not just in our home or community. The goal would be for many of us to accept that we don’t need any barriers between us. Mothers, brothers, children and other loved ones are worthy of our respect. Any life lost to violence is a tragedy. How many people adopted a global policy to respect any human life? This would be an optimal outcome.

Tragic losses bring all of us closer together. For a time we drop any prejudice and simply choose to love. A love without boundaries.

We may be at any age or point in our development to fully understand and accept this truth. Some of us adapt, some of us recover prejudice after a brief period and some of us never felt the compassion for anyone who perished. We are at different levels of spiritual maturity.

As for the losses in my community, there are many aspects at play.

  1. Many that died did not take care of their health. Diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease… ravaged their bodies and left little good tissue to carry on the workload of life. Not enough good health to make a difference. The denial that they embraced to avoid their illness was the same denial they used to avoid understanding that life could not continue with this much damage. Their lack of attention to their health left loved ones searching for answers.
  2. Many that died abused drugs and alcohol. They did not stop and turn things around. They left spouses, parents, children and many loved ones behind because their addiction was more powerful. In some ways they used denial to escape reality. The Dr. had warnings of poor health and permanent damage. Some stopped going to the Dr. Others were left clinging to the medical practitioners believing that intervention could save them from themselves. Despite this desperate hope, they died anyway. Their irrational escape did not hold any truth.
  3. Some people that died chose to let go and return home. Life had taught them enough and they were the kind of tired that only happens after many years of living. Everything ached. It hurt to move. They had lost so many of the pleasures in life that the Other Side seemed like a good choice. They did not commit suicide. They let go. After time they understood that it was ok to leave and their families were brought to that point as well. It was time.

As a community, we truly came together. The gatherings served to provide all of us with support and reassurance. We were forced to face that we must take better care of ourselves. We must also overcome our addictions. And, we must keep our loved ones close.

The shock of losing someone too young caused more pain than an elder who was losing their battle to stay. Week after week we were faced with more tragedy. People died were our own age or younger. We were close or we hardly knew them. Every family was touched by loss and we still have people close to death. It is not ending anytime soon. This cycle is still at work and we struggle to comprehend what we are facing.

Many of us are in a haze of shock. It is almost too much to manage emotionally. Still we carry on because that is what people do.

This is what I have come to know. Renewal is for those lives lost and for those of us left here. This is a community process. Dialog is needed and appreciated. Change is necessary. Lives matter.

Renewal of one person’s life because it was time to begin again.

Renewal of the love we share for friends and family.

Renewal of our feelings of protectiveness for our family and friends who suffer from illness.

Renewal of earth’s emotional climate from stagnant energy leaving and new life beginning.

Renewal of forgiveness and accepting that we all deserve love and respect as we leave this plane.

Renewal of hope that someone/anyone will leave their addiction behind.

Renewal of hope that we will make better decisions from here on out. These lessons have hit us hard.

Renewal of hope that the next 7 generations will be better than the 2 or 3 that are currently here on earth.


Consider Trauma

What does trauma do to someone’s feelings, and emotions? Consider the age of the person and the impact will likely seem larger for those who are younger. Serious problems could develop. The overall impact trauma has on any one person is directly influenced by their ability to problem-solve, reason and cope. So, an adult who has limited coping skills may have a more dramatic response to trauma than a teenager with good coping skills and a strong support system. Conversely, elders may have had some organic changes in their brain and have lost some resiliency to contrast. It is all relative.

Trauma is subjective. The severity of the trauma depends entirely on how the person who has suffered it responds and reacts. To look at someone else who has suffered a crisis, you lose that subjectivity that they naturally possess. Even if someone is very close to you, the true emotion, fear or disruption in their life still impact them more. If you react more strongly than them, there is likely an imbalance in your emotional stability. Even if you are their parent, the sufferer will continue to be the person impacted the most. No amount of empathy brings you 100% in their shoes.

The groundwork of feeling safe happens very young. If you are familiar with the stages of development you understand this premise. If the infant/child did not successfully feel safe or autonomous, their response to trauma in their entire lifetime will have a greater impact upon them. Again, it is the basis of anyone’s development which the person builds the rest of their life experiences upon. If that foundation is unstable, there is little success in reaching a healthy, resilient, emotionally flexible child, young adult and adult.

This is where We tie into the post from yesterday. The household environment impacts the child from the start. A healthy parent/child relationship will go far into building someone with effective coping strategies. This refers to either parent or caregiver.

Any cycle of anger, fear, despair or acting out may happen all throughout life and in response to different areas of development. Nothing is set in stone and being flexible is very important to our discussion. Any disruption in care may affect the child. There are many factors that will create differences in a child’s development. The possibilities are endless. Each adult may have had a very unique upbringing experience, even if there are siblings. We will not touch upon each form of contrast.

Optimal is an emotionally healthy home with adequate supervision, individual attention, scholastic help, leisure activities and adequate finances. Each parent is healthy and responsible. Any disruption is handled calmly and fairly. Attention and help is given equally to every child. The children are healthy and able to successfully negotiate the school environment.

This is optimal but not common. Even if many of the requirements are met there still will be variations that may impact each child. It is important to raise a child to feel safe, secure, understood, valued and protected. If any of these areas are impaired or lacking, there may be changes in the child’s behavior.

Now add any amount of dysfunction to the home. With a higher incidence of conflict, upheaval, abuse or neglect, the impact upon the health of each child will be affected negatively. More stress leads to more reactivity. Then, being resilient as children are, they will somehow find a new “normal.” If the conflict is long-lasting, severe or directed at the child, they will lose their ability to resolve their emotional disruption. The dysfunction in their household will have a permanent impact on them.

Why is any of this important? Because you are the child AND the parent. You have elements of each in your everyday life. Perhaps you haven’t realized that in some situations, you are the younger person, subordinate or least mature individual in an interaction or environment. Then, you may be the older, authoritative, ultimately responsible person of a different interaction or environment. There is blend of many situations and interactions that draw upon your coping and maturity. Within you there are matters handled by the “parent” aspect and others responded to by the “child” aspect.

We have done some Inner Child work in the past and We will do more now. You are in a position of responsibility for yourself. Being an independent adult leaves you in control of your emotional health. You must examine your perception of trauma. Remember that you are the only person who will understand how you felt and responded to the upsetting events of your life. Others may share some similar feelings but no one can feel exactly what you did. Trauma is subjective. It is up to you to decide how important each event was and resolve the seemingly permanent results it had upon you.

As an adult, you have a choice as to how you will behave and react. Take into account any dysfunction in your life and your ability to respond optimally will decrease. You have the choice. You are responsible for every action you take. Review how you were raised. How strong is your independence and feelings of worth? Did things go well for you? Or, was there an overwhelming amount of dysfunction to deal with? How is this impacting your current life? If you are emotionally healthy, you have reasonable, contemplative responses to contrast. You may not have experienced every situation that you will encounter in life but you have confidence and self-assurance. If you have impulsive, emotionally reactive behavior, there were disruptions in your development. Perhaps this is trauma related or another causative factor.

We focus on trauma for good reason. Anything with less emotional impact would likely not have had permanent changes to the emotional development of anyone. An annoyance, complication, challenge… would be manageable to most people at any age. Trauma is more severe and life altering. Always remember that this is what you considered to be traumatic. Other people may disagree with your perspective but that is inconsequential. You decide what traumatized you.

Our perspective starts with you healing yourself and then rising above to experience life from a position of strength, confidence, emotional and spiritual health. Let us walk this road together.


Healthy Parents

This information is provided as a guide for the make-up of people raising children and the potential effects. The purpose is to present to you differing scenarios of how children may be emotionally healthy or mired in dysfunction and to what degree.

We present this to you in hopes that you make an effort to either raise your own children in a loving, supportive environment or help others create stability for their children when varying degrees of dysfunction exist.

It is possible to raise the next few generations and refuse to allow any child to be left unsafe, insecure or alone. Where ever your “family” starts on this scale, begin there and strive to achieve a healthy household. The next generation will respond to the increased stability and reach even higher toward an emotionally healthy household.

  1. Healthy mom & dad produce a docile bunch.
  2. Single parent produces children who heavily swing toward the gender of that parent. Children may lack adequate supervision. Each child may receive a lesser amount of individual attention, including scholastic help. There is usually a lack financial resource.
  3. Grandparents raising children cause a lack of physical activity, higher food intake and heavy sugar use. They rely upon their own upbringing when food and drink were encouraged without recognizing the dietary implications. There continues the limitations of supervision, individual attention, scholastic help and possible inadequate finances.
  4. One grandparent raising children produces tendencies toward the gender of that grandparent, heavy caregiver stress and limitations of travel and /or relocation. The presence of only one grandparent causes the child or children to feel overtly obligated to stay at or close to home. There is little opportunity to follow their dreams. Higher education may not be possible or could create a lot of debt. Personal fulfilment is uncommon.
  5. Siblings raising their siblings results in disorganization, lack of responsibility, poor nutrition and high dropout rates. Depression may be common in both the caregiver and the child. Acts of destructive behavior or self-injury may develop.
  • The sibling who raises their own siblings brings about high caregiver stress, lack of self-definition, a desire to limit their own pregnancy/children, a fractured psyche, substance abuse and high dropout rates.
  • The sibling raised by another sibling creates an emotional vacuum of the caregiver who is never satiated, irresponsibility, lack of respect for elders or parents in general, poor health, dysfunctional coping, mood swings, victim-oriented interactions, sociopathy, substance abuse and malingering or outright joblessness.

Children raised in foster care have higher incidents of all the above dysfunctional outcomes listed.

These are examples only and do not represent all possible outcomes for children in every situation. Some possible dysfunctional results are not listed. There are also some healthy “families” without either biological parent.

The information provided is based on the basic needs of each child being met.

The further away from healthy, well-adjusted parents, the more dysfunction may be present. Then, the possibilities of abuse, neglect, medical illness/trauma, sexual abuse, homelessness, poverty… will increase the emotional toll on both caregivers and children.

There is always hope. You, as an individual, may begin reaching for a healthy “family.” Several generations may have faltered but you may turn this around. Beginning with you, it is possible to increase the emotional stability of this generation and the next. Teaching children about love, respect, personal space, honesty, faith and responsibility will improve their relationship with their own children. Then that generation will raise children to the best of their ability.

You may be the one who changes everything. Have hope. Do the work. Be a leader and a follower and hold yourself to a higher standard. Do you remember a generation when there was bounty and prosperity in your family? Who was the family leader? What values, goals or priorities made it better? Why did it change? There may be a lot of lessons learned from looking back on the most recent successful “parent” and making adjustments to align with that success more closely.



Two Common Concerns

Many realizations have come to light since We posted about whom We are and what We are here to do. Some of the responses are endearing and others are a little more shocking.

First of all, you are somewhat surprised that We are a collective of energies. You have heard of collective beings before and you are not so sure you are on board with this new information. What We would like you to consider is that the information We provide resonates and inspires you. We answer your questions as often as possible so you know We are in tune with your needs. As We stated in the previous post, We are a collective so We may specialize in many areas of knowledge to bring you the best possible information for you to consider. We are “divested” in order to serve you better.

The next bit of information was in reference to your behavior and the possibility of going to Hell after death. Your concerns were specific to “sin.” What you want to know is how much can you get away with and still go to a realm of light? As We have written about previously, there is no Hell, specifically. There are levels of existence. The lower levels are dark and negative. Souls who go to these levels have led lives full of lower energy. Then, there are higher levels which are specific to your spiritual development and specific areas of interest.

The lower light levels are for souls who are early in their education. They may be borderline positive/negative. Perhaps they have had trauma to overcome, have suffered from abuse from darker energy, have begun to live in the higher vibrations but still have some karmic debt to make amends for or they were unaware there are better ways to behave and make a positive impact as they age.

The upper levels are for advanced souls. This would be for philosophers, spiritual leaders, advanced healers and those who have lived in the light AND have been in service to others to increase the light on earth.

Your behavior is what accounts for your vibration. If you do good things and care for the wellbeing of others, you have a decent vibration. You may have this good vibration and have become aware that you have a chart and you set about living the life that you intended. You learn and study. You meditate and become connected with Source. You would then increase your vibration even more.

Then, there is the opposite. You may have a lower vibration and do very little to make it better. You harm others and continue your life of self-absorption. This will cause you to have an even lower vibration. You can imagine various acts or behavior that would continue to lower your vibration and then you simultaneously increase your chances of entering the lower levels of existence after death. This is all up to you. You have choices that you make every day.

We wonder what your reason is for asking these specific questions. Are you entrenched in drugs and alcohol, abuse family members, steal money or neglect your children? These behaviors are dark enough that you must make changes. Have you knowingly caused the death of someone? This is a definite dark matter.

Our perspective is that making these decisions about your own behavior should be fairly easy. Focus on one behavior or action and ask yourself if it is positive or negative. No, you are not to consider the “yes, but…” or “no, but…” implications. It is simply yes or no. The mitigating factors are for you to come to terms with and realize that, as an adult, you are responsible for your own behavior. Do the work and begin to increase your vibration. Simple.

If you wish to be a servant to past mistakes or karmic debt, you probably really don’t want to make any changes and you visit this site for quick fixes. You won’t find that here. You make the changes or you continue to serve your addictions and bad behavior. No one here will absolve you of the responsibility to own your behavior and begin making positive adjustments.

If you want to do the bare minimum to stay out of “Hell”, then you also have the wrong site.

There are some people who definitely want to make some positive changes and promote each generation to be better than the one before. This is selfless and conscientious. This shows that you have hopes for yourself and others. You have recognized the negative cycles of behavior and want to stand on your own, healed and maintain or regain your personal power.

You are not alone. We are in spirit and are fully capable of being at your side. You read and respond to Our words and We then cater to your questions or concerns. This is a therapeutic relationship! We hear you, We understand what you want and need. We are committed to your healing physically, emotionally and spiritually.

There are so many ways to increase your vibration. We will walk you through them. After time, it will be clear to you that something has gotten better. You are hopeful and positive. You spend less time making excuses and choose to make changes instead. You may bound through each day with hope and prosperity and never waste a moment wondering where you will spend eternity.

That fear you run from today does not serve any purpose and you will wonder why you were so concerned. Those questions about your own behavior really were so easy to differentiate between positive and negative. You smile because you made it harder than it really was.

The Pilgrimage

You think that you are travelling to a far off land to find absolution. The truth of your journey is that you are going to find everything you want, need and rely upon inside of you. Your answers are not far away at all. By looking inward you will discover what to heal, where your journey will lead and how to find guidance.

Despite the simplicity of your answer the actual process may seem complicated. Why would you find complexities when being introspective? Because it doesn’t happen automatically. There are steps to take and it doesn’t happen quickly.

The single most important step is to protect yourself from any outside forces or earthbound spirits. There are many protection exercises. Research the internet, find a book or join a spiritual support group to discover which method of protection resonates with you. There is the white egg visualization or outward facing mirror capsule. Asking spirit or animal guides, angels, saints or other higher beings to surround you will work only if you give them your permission to act on your behalf. If you maintain your free will, you will isolate yourself from receiving any assistance.

After activating enough protection to keep you safe during spiritual healing, you must cleanse and clear all areas of your physical and energy body. This is daunting especially if you haven’t begun to heal yet. You must clear any blockages and barriers within your aura and physical body. This will take time since your issues will heal in layers. Spirit and other guides will begin where it makes most sense and then bring up issues as you progress.

Meditation is essential. Start now and improve your ability to go inward and accept direction but NOT from your inner voice. It is entirely possible that you will merely speak to yourself and freelance any issues to heal or direction to take. To get to this point you must stop yourself from speaking while you meditate. Once you get that true silence, your guides will offer your insight.

You must heal and open each chakra. In order to communicate with your Divinity, you must have a clear channel with which to communicate. There are many chakra opening exercise and meditations. Find what process works best for you. Each time you meditate, make chakra health a part of the process. This will promote continued success developing your inner self.

You will open your crown chakra and connect to Heaven and other higher realms available to you. Also, you will connect to Mother Earth through your base chakra. Having this secure connection will assist you invaluable.

There are many exercises for cleansing as well. You may use the “violet flame,” a healing vortex, rinsing with White Light like a shower, getting a Reiki or reflexology treatment or seeing a reputable energy healer. By researching ways to cleanse your energy centers you will find what fits your comfort level and seems easy to use.

Once meditation has improved and you do it routinely, you must do some Inner Child work. You may search this site by the keywords “Inner Child” and read the previous posts. We will also do more Inner Child work beginning soon. The whole idea is to acknowledge the pure, fragile and vulnerable part of you and make it grow strong and healthy.

Your IC will start out young and small then age according to your healing process. Eventually, your IC will appear to you as your current self. This is a lengthy process and you may note your IC varying in age during healing. It is best to accept your IC at any age that they appear. Trust the process and do the work. The goal is to successfully “parent” your younger self and be the guide, protector and teacher that you needed to be raised emotionally healthy. The people who truly had wonderful childhoods will have less work than most of you.

Once you have done all of the initial work you must maintain an open channel to your inner self during meditation. Stay cleansed, cleared and allow ongoing healing. You will be guided about what direction to take, what else you need to resolve and how to increase your energy vibration. Whatever senses usually work for receiving information will also work for this. You may see visions but rarely feel sensations. Or, you may just “know” what is being given to you. Sometimes you hear a voice and also “know” this is not your own inner voice. You may feel sensations on your skin or in your body or smell scents that are not in your environment. These are your five senses working to bring you guidance. The sixth sense is what you will develop through this entire process.

We are so pleased that you are here. We want nothing more but to guide you and bring you directly to God. There is so much to learn by going inward. You may have believed that God was a being outside of you. Now you know that you may find His Grace by looking inward and becoming the perfect vessel for His love and teachings. Understand that God is within you and you are truly worthy of such a gift.

Find the truth and be set free.

Online Charades


Love is at its finest when it is given without expectation. The moment you feel you need some acknowledgment, your pure intentions are lost. One of the most difficult lessons is about selflessness. It is a giant leap in ascension to focus only upon those you love, inspire you and you want to heal.

Many people are not accustomed to looking outward only. Being selfless requires no doubts or second guessing. No hesitation when sending out your energy and intent to heal. You have a habit of looking at someone without any consideration for how they really feel, if they are well or is there joy in their life. You only embrace their outer appearance. You have been content to consider only what people are presenting to you, not what is actually there.

This is more profound now that the internet has made finding friends and partners superficial and seemingly effortless. The vast majority of internet users present only what they want others to believe. There is a lot of deceit, misjudgment and fantasy at play. You also believe what you want to believe so the misrepresentation goes both ways.

This is not how God intended you to find members of your support system. You may find people, interests and groups on the internet but then actual in-person interaction may take place. Find them, meet them and learn to love them. If this is an internet only friendship then make sure it is positive and helpful.

Many people perpetuate their dysfunction through online relationships. You will find an abuser if you behave as a victim. You will be lied to and mistreated if this is part of your expectations. You will fall into someone else’s lies or manipulation if you need to rescue someone or be emotionally battered. The dynamic that you create in real life is also the dynamic you create in your online life except that it is much easier to pull off.

No one is following your tracks unless you want them to. Your parents or siblings don’t always realize that you’ve created something unhealthy while you are online. In real life your family and friends may see that someone is disrespecting you, hurting your feelings or physically mistreating you. Online you only present what you want when your loved ones ask about your life.

The hardship is evident when you don’t realize that you have searched far and wide for someone to fulfil your dysfunction. The same dysfunction that ruined your childhood or ended your marriage. You have not found emotional health; you have found someone to fill your need. You may have fought with loved ones to keep your abuser in real life and you will likely do the same now.

You invest far too much time building a persona that is not real or healthy. This online life will serve to waste days, months or even years of your life. Your online “boyfriend/girlfriend” is not genuine. You behave in ways to mislead them and fulfil what dysfunction they are looking for. Does this serve a purpose? Not really.

God wishes you to find true healing and emotional wellbeing. Find your problems and take steps to resolve them. Do the work. Resolve whatever dynamic has derailed your emotional health. Find a new perspective from a state of wellness and then find love.

You spend your time filling holes in a sinking boat. Then, you find another person who fits into this unhealthy dynamic in real life or on the internet. What results? You are both in a broken boat, filling even bigger holes. This is not happiness. This is not emotional health. You are perpetuating the dysfunction that has already taken up far too much of your time.

What happens most often is that you don’t realize that you have these emotional triggers that shape your life. You continue along like you have found the greatest canvas to feel complete. You have actual joy regarding your online life and most people don’t really know what you are doing. You have your privacy unless you publish your every move on the internet!

This is actually delaying any real growth and maturity. You are active every day to keep playing the same moves over again. “This is who I am. Please love me.” But what of the image you are presenting are not really you?

There are real benefits by having the internet. This may be one way in which it serves no purpose other to entertain you with “relationships.” It is like being part of a play. If you knew an actor that stayed in character even when not performing the play, you would think this was odd. So here you are, or possibly others in your life, playing a role you created, or allowed others to create for you, and you stay in character. You may become defensive that your online life is “real!”

Well, make it real. Be honest and genuine. Learn, express, experience and grow. Find ways to resolve some concerns and share your healing with others who may need to hear how it is done. Respond to constructive suggestions. Are they right? Do you have some underlying behavior that is negative or manipulative? Make changes if those suggestions resonate with you. Find your true self. Release any anger, greed, ego or despair. Open to God and allow your own healing. Find communion and grow exponentially.

Use the internet as tool to support the good work you do while making your own life better and the lives of those you love. Don’t live on the internet. Be mindful and find a healthy balance.


Consider This…

  1. More is learned from changes occurring over time. Sudden changes leave little to no room for expansion.
  2. The Universe gives you what you need, not always what you want.
  3. Lessons learned earlier in life are built upon as you age and mature. Not absorbing the information or intentionally skipping it will delay any further learning. These gaps may stall any learning at all.
  4. Ignorance about lessons provided by people you don’t respect or choose to ignore will also affect any future learning. There are times when your parents, an older sibling or other person provide some much-needed information but you ignore it because of the person who is delivering the messages to you. It is far better to weigh the information and decide whether it is sound advice or not.
  5. Even elders or other mature people change their perspectives over time. Allow for this expansion instead of challenging their shifting direction.
  6. Dogma turns even polite people away.
  7. Believing that you have nothing more to learn is the surest way to stop evolving.
  8. Sometimes you may open an important door simply by admitting that you are wrong.
  9. Opportunities come in all sizes. Some may be imperceptible and others you cannot miss.
  10. Travel may just occupy your time. Staying in place and focusing on learning may be a better choice.
  11. Looking beyond this atmosphere may only serve to block your attention to what we must all deal with. Issues regarding this planet must be addressed or what lies in the Universe will not matter at all.
  12. The earth will not cease to exist but it will become uninhabitable.
  13. People take themselves far too seriously. Being open-minded and relaxed will prove to be far healthier and productive.
  14. War makes for strange bedfellows but love challenges no one. You would be much happier in a room full of loved ones rather than strange people ready for a fight.
  15. There is a power greater than us. This is exactly why we may be forgiven, loved and healed without delay. If it was up to us, we would find problems which forbid these simple things.

Healing for the Holidays



In today’s world is it really this simple? It can be. No one is asking that you forgive and forget. Just start the process by forgiving.

Many actions and events are far too serious to forgive and this is true. There are things that no one will ever be able to understand. There is a point at which you may forgive someone. Perhaps it was something unintentional. Maybe they were abusing substances or undergoing severe trauma. It may have been a mistake that may be placed in perspective thus making it easier to understand. Then, there are things which you will never be able to forgive anyone for. Things that were unspeakable. These instances must be dealt with as well. No, you are not expected to forgive someone for anything heinous. But let us see if we can put it perspective as well.

The first talking point is about personal power. Have you ceased to grow and succeed because of something that was done to you? Have you allowed it to interfere with many areas of your current life? Then, you have given this person or situation your personal power. You have dealt with the trauma by not dealing with the trauma. You have allowed it to alter your life and cause you unhappiness, dysfunction and possibly illness.

You have given the best and the worst of you away. You are not in a position to deal with this event because you have given up any control or positive response that you could have had regarding it. You let go of the wheel and have allowed dark and dismal energy to define who you are. This is not recommended. You must be responsible for your own thoughts and feelings. The lack of direction and healing that makes you feel out of control is exactly what comes from you giving up your personal power.

Do you make statements like, “I could be happily married with my own family if not for this…” Or, “If I did not suffer … I would be in good health, productive and successful.” This is the wrong way to approach anything so essential to your sense of self-worth. Work to the point where you say, “I am happy and loving despite…” “I have overcome… and now I have love, prosperity and good health.” Eventually you will make statements without the added references to trauma, abuse or crisis. This will take time and effort. Wishing it away doesn’t work.

The second talking point is to release any anger. Yes, this sounds extremely difficult but the reason to do so is positive. The anger is not affecting anyone but you or those close to you. You are harboring darkness that interferes with the amount of love and hope that you may feel. In this instance, your anger is not productive. You have not progressed through any other stages of coping or grief about a situation. You have stalled in the anger phase and have harmed yourself and your close relationships because of it. The person who caused your pain is not suffering in the least, you are.

There are times when anger is a motivation or even a tool to get things done. If you are holding anger from past years or childhood events, this has gone on far too long. Release the anger and allow yourself time to heal. Let it go. Talk to yourself, say a prayer, perform some kind of ritual, see a counselor, join a support group… Talk it out and let it go. Remind yourself each day to let it go. Use positive affirmations. Never find out that you have to say “I am strong but…” No! You are strong, healthy, beautiful, prosperous and generous. No one has taken any of this away from you. For some reason you gave it away but you will not do this any more.

The third talking point is to refuse to accept any blame if your trauma occurred when you were a child. The adults in the environment did not keep you safe. Either they truly did not know what went wrong or they are pretending that they didn’t. Either way, do not blame yourself. There is a great deal of dysfunction that occurs in some families. Many adults or older people in the home do not want to deal with any problems that could get upsetting. They may pretend they don’t know or they may walk away from the situation just so they don’t have to deal with it.

Sometimes the older sibling believe that you deserve your mistreatment or they were abused and now it is your turn. They may not be old enough to understand that any of it should not be happening. They make adjustments to survive in the dysfunction and they rarely take a stand against what is wrong. There are also times when one parent does not intervene when another parent is abusing the children. This is also what dysfunction looks like. Everyone adjusts their own behavior so that they either escape the abuse or don’t have to deal with it.

The lack of action is also not your fault. As a child you were unable to understand and process the complexities of your life. You may even have thought your life was “normal.” The time to accept any responsibility is now. You are an adult and you understand at least part of the problem. Now is the time to deal with it and heal. Make your life better and make the lives of the next generation even better. As an adult you may begin a new phase of healing, growth and healthy relationships with your loved ones. If someone does not want to be a part of this improvement, let it go. You are responsible for you. Gather new “family” who are of like-mind and begin what may be the most productive years of your life.

The fourth talking point is to forgive as many times as necessary to benefit from your efforts. Each day you may have to release your pain, anger and desire for vengeance. Keep up the effort and discover ways to feel safe and whole without making anyone responsible for your healing. Again, you are responsible for you. Set down any dark or dismal energy and make the most of each day. There will be setbacks but this is also manageable. Any change takes time and this is no different. It will help to pray, journal, seek professional help and perform some healing actions.

You may not be able to do this on your own but that is ok. If you invest in your own healing the universe will invest in it as well. You are not alone and you are strong enough to get through this. We have spoken about your daily self-care. This is another action to take, release your lower vibrations each day and throughout the day if needed. If you don’t release these darker blockages, healing will have little room to take place. Breath easier and open up your world. Find the good health and healing that comes from placing your injuries in perspective and realizing that you are healthy and whole anyway. You are larger than the sum of all of your issues. Really.

The fifth talking point is sincere attempts to raise your vibration will benefit you even if you are unable to cope with all of your past injuries. Brighter and lighter will make depression, anger, illness and dysfunction leave you. Your hurt finds a way out and you will refill your precious inner space with something better. Your improved emotional health will make it easier to bring issues to light and release them. You may wonder why you were so hurt by something to begin with.

Each day will feel like a new opportunity to experience good health and wellbeing. All you have to do is ALLOW your healing to take place. RELEASE any need to get hung up on any past event or situation. And, develop a strong FAITH knowing that all matters pale in comparison to your joy, love and positive intentions. Be open to different types of help. Get a healing, Reiki, message, psychic reading, reflexology, energy clearing, sweat lodge, books, support groups, individual counseling… MEDITATION is essential.

If you have trouble meditating, keep trying. Use a guided meditation CD. Join a meditation group. Begin by being silent, still and quiet your mind, then go from there. Even a warm bath and being purely in that moment will help. When you make progress meditating emotions, memories and concerns will rise up. Then, while still in that blissful meditative state, let it go. Make room for love, support and guidance from God and spirit. In that stillness, you align more closely with the universe and who you really are.

There is no better time to begin your healing journey. The world is full of love and hope and you may use this positive energy.