Tag Archives: Earth

The Blessed Journey Within

Finding God does not take a trip of a thousand footsteps. You merely have to look inside to find HIM.

Why do you feel that faith is something that you find somewhere? Your soul has all of the necessary information on God and life that you will ever need. Looking outside of yourself may be a deterrent to finding those “truths” that you know exist.

You don’t live life inside of yourself. This would accomplish nothing. You must balance what happens around you and what is in your soul. To initially find your faith you must touch upon it where it resides in your God Center. This is in your solar plexus or the area behind the tip of your sternum.

Often advice comes suggesting you follow your heart or what you have determined to be factual in your mind. These two energy centers may not give you the most accurate information. Emotions cloud much of the information that spirit may provide to you. It is this fact that skews your guidance.

Emotions will keep you actively involved in negative loops of thinking and behavior. If you are in an abusive relationship will you leave and get safe if you follow your heart? No. You will likely stay because you love that person. You love them enough to keep forgiving them over and over again. What does your mind say about this? Whatever you choose to tell yourself. Your self-talk may be keeping you in this relationship as well. “I love him, he will change, and she made a promise this time… I know she will change for me.” Either your heart or your mind has not provided you with truthful information.

You will be chasing emotions for the rest of your life but this will not get you anywhere. The truth is in your God Center. Touch your fingers to the lower portion of your sternum. Be still and meditative if possible. Find that truth that is there. To know you have successfully made a connection to your true self you will feel a sense of calm and knowing.

This knowledge is based in truth so there is no emotion attached to it. This is also a good state to be mindful. In this inner connection you find truth and stability that you may have not known before. Emotion makes you run here or there, become upset with what is and mood swings from euphoria to desolation. This is not spiritual health. This is being a slave to your emotions.

Have you found that you haven’t made any real progress by following your emotions? If you make decisions by what mood you are in, there is no authentic motivation. These decisions may leave you feeling empty, lost or alone. You may also feel like you never get ahead. It may be like climbing a mountain of fine sand. You have images of never reaching the top.

Your chart is in your God Center. Your guides and God are there too.

If you find your mind whirls with chatter, who are you actually listening to? Most of the time it is your own inner voice. Occasionally it is a guide or other Divine being. Sometimes it is a ghost or earthbound spirit who offers you useless or upsetting information. There are darker beings that may invade your mind but that would take a skilled seer to discover this. NEVER go to someone who has no training or background in dealing with attachments or nefarious spirits. This will only deepen your struggles.

Information given to you that is frightening is not a spirit guide. Genuine guidance from spirit guides is matter-of-fact. They are verbally blunt and expressionless. This emotionless exchange is true. You always have to remember how you felt the moment you received the information. Why? Because you will add emotion, fear, excitement, dread, hopelessness… It may be helpful to write it down so when your mind or heart begins to add layers of nonsensical information you may reconnect with how you felt when you originally became aware of the information. Weed out the mind/heart interference and remember what the genuine message was.

Receiving genuine guidance may not make you very popular. You tend to become matter-of-fact as well. Things make sense and seem obvious. You have a direct line to what your intuition states from this life and perhaps a few others. This unquestionable “knowing” may irritate those you deal with. They may feel that you are uncaring or a know-it-all. They may also mistake your mental strength and stability as some type of personality disorder. You really want people to know that you love them and offer support, care and nurturing. You are not an emotionless robot so do not present yourself as one. This is one caveat. Remember to offer love and support because when others are still dealing from their heart or mind they will not comprehend your God Center directness. Find truth but remember how to love.

Have you known spiritual leaders to seem arrogant or lofty? This is that caveat that we make reference to. You may have profound faith and dedication to God but still seem unapproachable or distant. This really doesn’t help you or anyone else. Life does not occur in a vacuum. You need information from within AND still participate in life. This is one of your life goals.

To be lofty and above all others will make your soul group connections diminish. You will seem to travel in isolation. You may only communicate with others who have your same lofty beliefs. Then what good are you doing for your loved ones, family and community? Be a real person with a direct connection to God. Remain humble and stay connected to loved ones. Be aware that they are still dealing in terms that you have found to be ineffective and obsolete. They still deserve your love and attention. If they cannot deal with you on your spiritual level then choose to send them angels, pray for their well-being and jump in with help where and when you can.

Don’t be a silo in a world of too many silos. Use your knowledge and awareness to help everyone along. Send love, hope and healing to all others. You are not going to break bread with them or allow them to live in your guest room but a thoughtful prayer and blessing is awesome. There are struggles throughout this world. Send something positive to these places or situations. Many spiritual beings will offer that LOVE is always the answer. Embrace this and see where it takes you.

Love is truly in your God Center. Self-love, love of others and love for all Creation does not just reside in your heart. The entirety of “your” truth is in your God Center and real life will flow from there.

A Desert Period

There are times in life when not much happens. There may be a lull in emotional events and fairly reasonable success in all other areas of your life. There are desert periods charted for various reasons. It may be a time of learning where you read books, attend groups, take some courses, focus on your family and friends, set some goals, relax… There are some specific purposes for these periods. Normally, you would recognize when the desert period ends because life would seem to start up again and bring you more challenges to respond to.

These are some expected desert periods. Then, there are desert periods that you create by bowing out of life or being in denial. This would be a type of self-isolation or self-defense. This type is not charted and does not promote healthy coping, learning or relationships. You are simply ignoring life.

You felt some joy and relief that you could skip some of your charted experiences. You missed the point. Skipping experiences that are definitely below your current energy vibration is allowed. Yes you may skip negative events, behavior and relationships and there may be actual desert periods to account for the lack of activity…BUT… you cannot just skip out on life.

Life was intended to be difficult. That is what you embraced. Now, you may feel that some things are too negative or cumbersome to manage and you want to opt out. This was not intended. The more complexity you charted, the higher evolved that you are spiritually.

You would not have been allowed to chart such contrast without the ability to manage it.

It truly is a blessing that you wanted to work so hard in this lifetime that you would make some real progress. You are that strong.

Simple right from wrong and yes and no charts are written for people who are of lower vibration. They may have had some dark lives and they are just starting their ascension. They have charted simple tasks which are fairly direct and straight forward. They chose to place these right/wrong lessons before themselves in order to become more familiar with choosing right instead of past lives of choosing wrong. YOU are not this person. You are here on this site because you have found the desire to be evolved, informed and enlightened.

You may still make some wrong, misinformed or negative choices but you are here seeking God and absolution. You realize that you are responsible for your own soul and there are more positive places for you to occupy.

This may be true of your soul but now that you are human, life seems to hold too many difficult experiences. You want to opt out of some heart break and hardships. Try to remember that you charted life to learn specific lessons and experience certain things in order to learn more. You have some basic knowledge about a lot of things as a soul in the afterlife. You made a decision to expand your experience in certain areas. Very much like rounding out your general knowledge.

You may have had success in love many times and now you want to experience heart ache and loneliness. This is to expand your knowledge in this one area. You may have had lives of prosperity and now you want poverty. Yes, it sucks. But this is what you wanted. The opposite may also be true. You may have had lives of poverty and now want immense prosperity. Enjoy!

The caveat is, after many lives of poverty, you may dwindle down your cash and resources to again be in the more familiar state of poverty. After lives of being lonely and isolated you may force your loving partner and family to abandon you so you may return to the more familiar life of loneliness. These life lines can’t go unchecked. You would not want to destroy a loving, positive, successful life in order to revert back to a previous state of existence. This may happen inadvertently. If you wander through each day without feelings of responsibility, you may undo some very beautiful aspects of your life.

Don’t opt out. Trust that you are higher evolved and you set some pretty impressive goals for yourself. You came here to succeed and return home with some hard-won spiritual advancement. Stay on course. Get through the good times and the bad. Wear your experiences with pride.

A good metaphor may be that you are seeking a degree in life. You have lifelines in the required areas of love, family, wealth, spirituality, health, accomplishment, charity… You have required courses and elective ones. The goal is to obtain a degree which covers all areas of life with a focus in one or two specialized topics. You can’t skip any courses. If you do you won’t get a degree. You must fulfill all requirements or fall short and have to put in some extra semesters. No one wants to put in any more work than is necessary. Do the work and get your degree.

You are here to round out your learning in areas that you may be lacking. Or, you wanted to get a higher final grade. None of this sounds easy or superficial. You understood this. If you didn’t have goals, there would be no reason to be here.

Understand that a desert period may be charted but for specific reasons. Being lazy, subversive or in denial is NOT a desert period. You may think you are savvy or unconventional but when you return to the Other Side, you may be sorely lacking. Savvy turns sour in a hurry.


We have talked before about exit points and that anyone may choose to leave at a designated point for many reasons. They may have felt their jobs were done, they had little more to gain from staying any longer or they wanted to teach others through their loss.

Mass deaths occur for many reasons but it usually about bringing people together. The past has shown many examples of this. Lives lost to terrorism are intended to bring everyone together without care about religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity… The death of a child is the loss of everyone’s child, metaphorically. The recent London attacks were to bring all others together to grieve the loss of human life, not by identifying characteristics but because we are all human.

That day we lost “family members.” We did not stop to demean their existence with acceptable or unacceptable traits and identities. In the early hours of the attack we simply felt the loss. Our hearts ached. Hopefully we never stopped to identify who resembled us more or which lives lost was of more value. This is global consciousness. We felt genuine emotion for people we never knew and the families that suffered the losses. This brought us together in energy.

This energy of togetherness blanketed the earth and we boosted healing for our entire global community. For a time we felt genuine emotion for others around the world and not just in our home or community. The goal would be for many of us to accept that we don’t need any barriers between us. Mothers, brothers, children and other loved ones are worthy of our respect. Any life lost to violence is a tragedy. How many people adopted a global policy to respect any human life? This would be an optimal outcome.

Tragic losses bring all of us closer together. For a time we drop any prejudice and simply choose to love. A love without boundaries.

We may be at any age or point in our development to fully understand and accept this truth. Some of us adapt, some of us recover prejudice after a brief period and some of us never felt the compassion for anyone who perished. We are at different levels of spiritual maturity.

As for the losses in my community, there are many aspects at play.

  1. Many that died did not take care of their health. Diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease… ravaged their bodies and left little good tissue to carry on the workload of life. Not enough good health to make a difference. The denial that they embraced to avoid their illness was the same denial they used to avoid understanding that life could not continue with this much damage. Their lack of attention to their health left loved ones searching for answers.
  2. Many that died abused drugs and alcohol. They did not stop and turn things around. They left spouses, parents, children and many loved ones behind because their addiction was more powerful. In some ways they used denial to escape reality. The Dr. had warnings of poor health and permanent damage. Some stopped going to the Dr. Others were left clinging to the medical practitioners believing that intervention could save them from themselves. Despite this desperate hope, they died anyway. Their irrational escape did not hold any truth.
  3. Some people that died chose to let go and return home. Life had taught them enough and they were the kind of tired that only happens after many years of living. Everything ached. It hurt to move. They had lost so many of the pleasures in life that the Other Side seemed like a good choice. They did not commit suicide. They let go. After time they understood that it was ok to leave and their families were brought to that point as well. It was time.

As a community, we truly came together. The gatherings served to provide all of us with support and reassurance. We were forced to face that we must take better care of ourselves. We must also overcome our addictions. And, we must keep our loved ones close.

The shock of losing someone too young caused more pain than an elder who was losing their battle to stay. Week after week we were faced with more tragedy. People died were our own age or younger. We were close or we hardly knew them. Every family was touched by loss and we still have people close to death. It is not ending anytime soon. This cycle is still at work and we struggle to comprehend what we are facing.

Many of us are in a haze of shock. It is almost too much to manage emotionally. Still we carry on because that is what people do.

This is what I have come to know. Renewal is for those lives lost and for those of us left here. This is a community process. Dialog is needed and appreciated. Change is necessary. Lives matter.

Renewal of one person’s life because it was time to begin again.

Renewal of the love we share for friends and family.

Renewal of our feelings of protectiveness for our family and friends who suffer from illness.

Renewal of earth’s emotional climate from stagnant energy leaving and new life beginning.

Renewal of forgiveness and accepting that we all deserve love and respect as we leave this plane.

Renewal of hope that someone/anyone will leave their addiction behind.

Renewal of hope that we will make better decisions from here on out. These lessons have hit us hard.

Renewal of hope that the next 7 generations will be better than the 2 or 3 that are currently here on earth.


Consider This…

  1. More is learned from changes occurring over time. Sudden changes leave little to no room for expansion.
  2. The Universe gives you what you need, not always what you want.
  3. Lessons learned earlier in life are built upon as you age and mature. Not absorbing the information or intentionally skipping it will delay any further learning. These gaps may stall any learning at all.
  4. Ignorance about lessons provided by people you don’t respect or choose to ignore will also affect any future learning. There are times when your parents, an older sibling or other person provide some much-needed information but you ignore it because of the person who is delivering the messages to you. It is far better to weigh the information and decide whether it is sound advice or not.
  5. Even elders or other mature people change their perspectives over time. Allow for this expansion instead of challenging their shifting direction.
  6. Dogma turns even polite people away.
  7. Believing that you have nothing more to learn is the surest way to stop evolving.
  8. Sometimes you may open an important door simply by admitting that you are wrong.
  9. Opportunities come in all sizes. Some may be imperceptible and others you cannot miss.
  10. Travel may just occupy your time. Staying in place and focusing on learning may be a better choice.
  11. Looking beyond this atmosphere may only serve to block your attention to what we must all deal with. Issues regarding this planet must be addressed or what lies in the Universe will not matter at all.
  12. The earth will not cease to exist but it will become uninhabitable.
  13. People take themselves far too seriously. Being open-minded and relaxed will prove to be far healthier and productive.
  14. War makes for strange bedfellows but love challenges no one. You would be much happier in a room full of loved ones rather than strange people ready for a fight.
  15. There is a power greater than us. This is exactly why we may be forgiven, loved and healed without delay. If it was up to us, we would find problems which forbid these simple things.

Save Yourself First

This is expertly defined by the common example of applying your oxygen mask first in an airplane emergency. If you fall unconscious then you are unable to help anyone else. By saving yourself first, you increase the options of people who will be helped by you, including your children or other loved ones.

This is a difficult concept for many people to grasp. Of course we would “save” our child first! But this is not the best option. By saving yourself first, such as emotional and physical healing, you are better able to save those around you, with healing, love and support. Everyone is better off if you are safe, stable and emotionally healthy. You will be stronger for everyone. You may lead by example and teach others how to promote emotional health and wellbeing.

The difference in teachers is profound. Some are knowledgeable, well-versed, organized and able to get their point across. Others are disorganized, unreliable and emotionally limited. Which type will teach better? The organized one with experience and emotional stability.

Any leader will have better results if they have done their homework, are receptive to variables, truly wish to promote the success of others and resist any breakdown in communication.

What happens when you challenge a leader who does not have any stability? They react poorly. They may lash out, make you the cause of the problem, become distant, lose their focus, appear undone or ignore the breakdown in communication. These are not positive reactions. They lack the strength to teach and lead.

Your intention is to be the better leader/teacher. Through emotional strength and stability you will withstand many conflicts. Faith will show others how grounded and resilient you are. They will lower their defensiveness and be more available to you. You have saved yourself first. Who must you lead? Many people. Most are likely children, coworkers, family members, community members and so on…

We have mentioned many times that you came into this life to teach and to learn. Both sides of the coin. What you are not accepting is that you may lead others and NOT be their parent, boss or partner. Even brief encounters may have the potential to help, improve or benefit someone. Please do not be so literal. God has never sent anyone to earth to live in isolation and not impact those around them. This is part of your life.

You may have positive influences on others and negative ones. The list of these influences would be as expected. Are you a better leader by showing others to steal and commit fraud or by encouraging others to volunteer for charity? Very few things in life are black and white but this list is one of them. Be good, do good. Show others to be good and do good as well. Easier said than done.

The hard part is healing yourself. You have to pick apart many layers of pain and turmoil and resolve them enough in order to be whole. A lot of cleansing and forgiveness is needed. Seeing people as fallible will help. Sometimes loved ones behave in certain ways because that is all they know. You are capable of the same missteps. This doesn’t make you a bad person either. It only means that you and them are still learning and have not found a better way yet. With age usually comes wisdom but this is not guaranteed.

Many people who have been asked if they could would they return to a younger age? Often, the answer if yes but only if I could know what I know now. Many people see that they have made some mistakes along the way. The people who have harmed you may also realize it now. BUT, you must not wait for someone to acknowledge their wrong doing or apologize. You will waste too much time waiting for something that may never happen. Learn to be whole on your own. Just you. This is when you have healed enough to help others to heal as well. Everyone will benefit from your stability.

Immediate healing would take releasing all harmful memories, negative thinking, flushing any dark or muddy energy and complete faith in God. Most people find it much harder than that. Any guide, whether here on earth or on the Other Side, would suggest small, manageable steps since the changes are easier to maintain. Do your best to not fall back into your old habits. The more clarity and light you achieve, the easier the journey becomes.


The Intent of Your Commitment


Everyone who is in an earth life now has intentionally come to this plane to be a part of the cataclysm of change. It is imperative that you think about what your original intent was for you to be in human life right now.

Think of it as another dramatic time of change, turmoil and reorganization. It is yet another event of biblical proportions. The upheaval is caused by your own degradation of your own planet. There are many events that will impact you, the earth and part of your solar system.

Think of the energy that you are sending out into the Universe. There is waste, spoil, over use and depletion of resources. You are sending toxic mental and physical waste into the atmosphere. Your own bad habits are creating an irreversible demise to the habitability of earth.

Many people ask when the world will end. The earth will not cease to be but you will. The effects of all the negative changes will leave earth a desolate rock. You came here to be a part of the destruction of human life on this planet.

This is not the beginning but perhaps nearing the first third of the process. Soon the second third will begin and it will be far more dramatic than what you have seen up to now. If you are here in earth life now you will not see the second third of destruction. Your children may but your grandchildren are guaranteed to witness and experience it.

What did you hope to gain from being incarnate now? Because you are the banner carriers, bloggers, letter writers, rally organizers, developers of alternative energy, disease curers and any other purpose which will attempt to reverse the desolation of earth and improve the energy that you send into the Universe. You wanted to be on the front lines. This is admirable but you have lost your way.

Think about your part in this process of change. Much of what has already been done is irreversible. Are you challenging the waste or adding to it? Are you teaching your children and grandchildren how to reverse the changes that have already occurred or to stop new changes? Do you recycle? Are you converting to solar or geothermal power? Have you begun to support whole foods? Are your habits positive or are there changes that need to be made?

You are the head of the family. Your intent was to be here, at this time, to spearhead changes that will benefit you and the next 7 generations of your family. This is a profound responsibility. Have begun your part yet?

There are other planets and other lives to be lived but YOU decided that the earth was worthy of your time. You decided to incarnate now and you brought your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren here even if they haven’t been born yet. This is the beginning of your legacy. It is important. You have bet your life and the coming lives of your offspring on it.

If the habitability of earth is not preserved then your great-grandchildren will need to be resourceful and ingenious. There are some very difficult questions that will need to be answered. The grandeur of the whole process is that your descendants actually charted to experience the turmoil of a dying planet. Kudos to them!

Why Are You Confused?


Your confusion and frustration comes from not being on your intended path. You are chasing goals that are not in alignment with what you came to this plane to do. It is this blind struggle that causes you to feel lost.

Your soul knows there are plans in place and it may be putting some pressure on you to open up to your higher self. Your constant mind loops are interfering with the guidance of God and spirit. It is like you living your life as you wish when there is another life waiting to be lived in your subconscious. It doesn’t lie dormant. It pops up and tries to get your attention. Your soul may be saying, “You’re supposed to be over here.” You know there is some type of conflict but you don’t fully understand what it is.

This ambivalence gives you feelings of unrest, irritability, confusion and being unsettled. The peace that you find through meditation is your temporary alignment with your spiritual self. As soon as you allow your self will to be foremost again, you lose the serene connection that you made. This could be a trigger. If you continue to practice mindfulness you would be able to maintain that sense of peace for much longer. Then, your intended life would be brought to you and changes could be made to your life direction.

This positive direction would be cyclical if you were to see when you have diverted away from your life chart and make adjustments to again find that peace and serenity. Watch for the clues that you are lost again and regain your chart. It is a part of daily self-care. You would lose those uncomfortable feelings of frustration and be grounded with a firm connection to God and spirit.

Finding and maintaining your chart would change the course of your life. You may miss some of your more ego-based, impulsive needs, but the contentment will be a reward in itself. Your mind would follow the word of God and you would feel your purpose. You would be fulfilled with the thoughts, emotions and actions of being in alignment with God.

You may look at others around you and recognize the same pressures that you used to react to. The daily drama would escape you and everything will seem possible. Stress would be replaced with purpose and positivity. You may even lose the lust that you have for material things and money. Having no more than what you need may be enough.

It is all about perspective. Did God send Jesus here to build mansions and amass immense wealth? No. He sent Him here to heal others, bring ideas of peace, encourage forgiveness and give you the knowledge that there is so much more after this earth life.

Modesty and moderation. Leading through words and actions. Looking upon others with love and the desire to heal them. Unconditional love and the absence of judgment. Giving of yourself to those less fortunate. These phrases are you. They are the foundation and essence of who you are. Did you believe that We were describing Jesus? Yes. You are a child of God and you are here for the same purpose.

Do you find this comforting or unsettling? No part of those phrases are difficult or impossible. It is all possible and your connection with God and the Universe will be secure. No more confusion. No more struggle to find your path and maintain it. No questions about who you are and why you are here.

What Brings You Peace?

This is such a beautiful time in the earth time continuum that We hope you take advantage of this breath of freedom and fill your life with some things that bring you joy. It may be flowers, artwork, a new pet, some new classes, a change in the colors of your living space or an exercise routine. You have not fully experienced the relaxed energy of this year yet.

Be at peace. Be humble and thankful. Stop asking for things and allow God and spirit to bring you what you need. Asking for things comes from a different place than gifts from the Universe. It originates from lack, want and need. There is a darkness to this basis of being needy. If you ALLOW you are empowering gifts from the light, love and God. The intent is formed in light and received in light.

Hopefully this is a relatable concept. Your focus now may be of desire and deserving. I want this and I need that. If you stop asking then God has the freedom to “provide.” Often, things that you think you need are not actually what will add fullness and purpose to your life. God will bring you what you need first.

You may ask a question and feel you have received an inaccurate answer. But, the answer you got is what you need to hear first. It will continue this way until spirit, departed loved ones and God have given you everything they want you to know. Then, you will receive the answer to the question that you asked. You may feel confused or misunderstood but God will use your openness to answers as an opportunity to guide you. If you hadn’t asked a question to begin with you likely would not have been receptive to the information that you ended up getting.

Be patient. You must believe that God will provide and you will receive your answers in time. The things you are asking for may be intended for later in life. Perhaps a beautiful new home when you are ready to retire and some acceptable rentals now. Improved health but you must practice meditation, clearing and cleansing in order to properly receive the healing. A new wardrobe but some resolution of emotional issues first so that your true identity will be represented. You will not be given the gift if you are not prepared to receive it.

It would be like God giving you a white, silk robe as you rest in a pig pen. There would be no understandable purpose for what you ask for if you have not prepared yourself first.

This may sound shocking and absurd but there is truth to this concept. This is why God is able to provide, if you stop asking. You have chosen to trust in your chart, the Universe and God to bring everything to you when it is time and in the proper circumstances. This is faith.

Spend your day being grateful for all that you have and be open to more. Gratitude will always bring more good things and events to you. It is the openness, joy and acceptance of prosperity that lays the groundwork for God’s gifts. Being appreciative brings more to appreciate. It is the Law of Attraction.

Your list of 10 things to do is not the same as God’s list of 10 things for you to do. Will you be given something before its time? No. Will you meet the perfect mate of you haven’t resolved some personal issues? Likely not. What you will receive is someone who fits into the framework of your current issues to bring you more of the same. The Law of Attraction works in the negative sense as well.

You may shop for a new home day after day. Things do not come easily and your finances are not in order. You watch each “perfect” home pass by and wonder when you will receive what you want. Then, your energy improves, you choose to be more realistic and you find a home which has promise. Then, you find the financing you need and are willing to make some changes in the home to meet your preferences. This was the time when that home would be made available to you and the details would resolve easily. The process will feel charmed. That year you pushed and tried to force the purchase of that “perfect” home did not coincide with your chart. You were not given something before its time.

Or, you forced the purchase of a home that you could not afford, extended your commute, was impractical or you discovered a serious structural issue after the purchase. You used your free will and forced something into being that was not charted. You experienced road blocks at every turn and things fell through or were confusing. You pushed through all of those RED FLAGS and bought it anyway. Now you have a money pit. Just stop. Send your wishes out into the Universe and allow God to fulfill your needs. You may have such an extensive wish list that no one could fill all of your expectations. This will block everything from flowing to you. It is like asking for nothing less than a colonial home with blue shutters and an oak tree out front. How about a colonial home with solid bones and you paint your shutters blue and plant an oak tree.

Don’t give the Universe so many specifics that you will be left unfulfilled because of it. Allow God to bring you joy, love and happiness because you have faith. Perhaps the process has more to do with a smaller home that needs a little work then a more suitable home after a few years. You don’t give people everything they ask for. Wouldn’t you expect them to be prepared for what they have asked you for? Otherwise, it is like flushing resources down the toilet. You’ll have regrets.

God will provide, but you must do the work. Get prepared and leave options flexible. The you who wrote your chart may have little in common with the you that is currently living for the perfect home, a new car, an island vacation home, winning the lottery, being president of the company… The you who wrote the chart had more in mind about the earth, animals, plants, curing disease, reversing climate changes, developing alternate energy sources, employing many people in a new business, establishing a community garden, bringing yourself and others to God…

Be still. Enjoy each moment. Stop sending pressure into the environment when things will happen in due time. The actual key to having everything that you want is to be OPEN. Don’t complicate the process or insist on too many specifics. You will never be allowed to skip from A to Z in any area of your life. There is a process which you may liken to growth and maturity. There is no learning in skipping all the steps to having all of your desires. You came into this life to experience and learn. If you have luxury and all the pieces of a wealthy life, then you are expected to give. Just having possessions is not God’s Will.

The pressure and negativity of this planet may have caused you some confusion. Stop and allow God to remind you of the agreement you made to live with faith. There is so much more to life than shiny, new things. Live it and grow into that soul being who wrote this chart. Align with God and embrace who you intended to be.

Rest Assured

It is ok to be open, emotionally stable and performing good self-care. Keep cleansing and clearing yourself and be grounded to Mother Earth and God. This is a good time to simply maintain your good spiritual health and practice responding to stress with faith.

You have a lot to think about and becoming accustomed to emotional stability is important. The energy of this calendar year will shift to a higher vibration soon. Spring may literally be a spring into some exciting new territory for you. You will have a lot to be thankful for.

The best perspective for now is to be thankful for your emotional stability. If you still don’t feel it then keep trying. Review the recent posts and always be free to seek answers by speaking to Us. What We would offer to you now is a list of suggested daily activities to improve your connection to God and spirit. We also would like you to open more avenues with which to receive guidance.

  1. Begin each day by cleansing and clearing your entire being. Ground yourself and sit beneath the chakra waterfall.
  2. Speak to God during your daily morning activities. This is a good way to become more accustomed to seeking God to walk beside you each day. You do not need a special occasion or specific time of day to speak to God. If you release those beliefs of needing help only at specific times you will have a constant connection with the Divine.
  3. Be open to answers coming from surprising places. Sometimes you will get a message just by overhearing other people talking, songs on the radio, synchronicity that you notice, signs;  literal or metaphorical, topics highlighted on TV or news outlets, events in someone else’s life that mirror your own…
  4. Find communication with others to be stimulating not stressful. Resist your tendency to become upset alongside someone. You have your emotional distance from things that have nothing to do with you. Be sympathetic but content with your own broad perspective.
  5. Practice forgiveness. Just allow life to play itself out. Many things that would normally excite you are not actually important enough to disrupt your emotional stability. Look at it like lessons to be learned, not a reason to overhaul your existence. Be confident that God is in your life and things that present are experiences intended for you.
  6. Develop your maturity. Remain calm when you would normally go off the rails. Forgive when your usual tendency would have been to be angry and vengeful. Be the calm voice in the room. Be the voice of reason. Offer alternatives to the emotional upset of others. Fill the situation with the Light and presence of God.
  7. Take better care of yourself. Be proactive with your health. See the Dr. when needed and be compliant with addressing your medical issues. God created western medicine as well. Simple prayer will not keep you healthy.
  8. Begin to turn outward. Your tendency to be introspective and possibly isolative will interfere with your ascension. You will not reach a higher level of existence living in a vacuum. Interaction with the world is required and you will stunt your growth by being alone far too often.
  9. Allow the universe to know what you want in life. Be open and honest with God and spirit. Resist your tendency to limit your wish list because you feel greedy or selfish. God will not bring you what you ask for if it is not in your chart. This is Our common answer to people wanting to win the lottery. You will win if it is in your chart.
  10. Become more familiar with the concept of God’s Will. There is self-will and God’s Will. Much of what happens in your life is self-will because you have either closed off communication with the Divine or you are following a path which is not intended. You may be guessing what God is intending for you and you may be hopelessly wrong. By opening up and allowing God’s Will your life will realign and what you intended to live will come to you. Being on your path will feel much less stressful. There will be less confusion and more synchronicity.

We would like you to become familiar with being emotionally stable and naturally resistant to stress. Picture your life as a calm pool of Divine energy. Be resilient about lessening the motion of waves or ripples. Allow a minor disruption then regain your calm sense of being. All areas of life may be relaxed if you maintain your faith and allow it.

Meditate and find that soft, sweet inner space which resembles being embraced and supported by God. That is your natural state. It has always been there. You have just been distracted by the meaningless activity of daily life.

You are an eternal being. Your natural state is well above the dark negativity of the Earth’s energy. Find this place and be reassured of your greatness.

The Yearly Gift

It is easy to forget the true reason for Christmas. Sometimes we get caught up in the gift giving and presents. It may take a reminder to bring your focus back to the one, greatest gift that God has given us, His only Son.

The Life of Jesus may be one of the best topics to research in order to truly value this earth life. There is a lot of rhetoric but do your best to find a reasonably truthful depiction of His life and crucifixion. In meditation I have been shown the events leading up to the crucifixion a few times. It is always difficult for me to remain in complete contact with spirit during these times. I become nervous and either derail the depiction or block much of it. I become fearful of knowing too much of His pain and torment. I also busy my mind with nonsense about the Shroud of Turin or whether He truly perished or continued to live a quiet, human life. These potential hoaxes are less upsetting than reliving the death of Jesus.

I’m human and I have an uneasy time accepting the gift of “knowing” from spirit. I also realize that I am being shown this time in history for a reason and until I truly accept this vision I will continue to be given this journey over and over again. My fear and discomfort are limiting my growth. I must face it, I know.

Perhaps I should list the reasons why I cannot face the vision of the crucifixion and work through them one by one. Maybe I need a spiritual counselor to guide me. I do experience great sadness because I can’t help but resist gaining knowledge specifically related to this. Or, maybe I question how truthful and genuine these visions are. I might be lying to myself under the cloak of meditation.

As I continue to work through my human limitations I will continue to channel spirit and offer you the gift of “knowing” just as I have for the past few years. God is love. You are God. -Lisa


This time of year may be best known for renewal. The changing of the seasons and the rebirth of Nature’s gifts will happen soon. The Winter is a time of introspection and learning. In past history it was a time to read books and pass time with family and other loved ones. Much time was spent indoors. Do you suspect that Christmas occurs in the Winter months on purpose? Perhaps this was part of the Divine Plan.

As we spent time indoors with ample time to busy ourselves, we were also given the Gift of Jesus. We had many long days and nights to learn of His life and mourn His death. We were given the gift of absolution but it did come at a cost.

We held Him up to be our ideal. This is the epitome of human life. We are capable of walking the earth to heal and teach without judgment. We may live our life in service of God and make our community better each day. Ours is not to dwell upon our own needs and wants. Ours is to give of ourselves and make each person better just by having had them in our company. Life truly could be this simple. We tend to complicate things and distract ourselves from the true meaning of life. During this time of quiet solace, we may build ourselves up and find that earnest, genuine path. Be good. Do good. Be God in human form.

We are reminded each year to align with the Life of Christ. This is a pretty good setup that we have. Each year we may answer questions about the value of our existence and what our purpose is. We are provided with a standard to live up to. A human given to our world to show us how inspiring and simple our lives may become. We may do all the wonders that Jesus has done.

The true existence of Christ is still playing out in our lives and the lives of our family and neighbors. He still exists. He is omnipresent and capable of being in many places at the same time. We may call out to Him and be assured by His presence. God has never left us all alone.

The meaning of our life has so much more to do with wealth and stature. It may be as simple as giving of yourself every day to improve the lives of those around you.

Receive this gift this holiday season. Be humble and grateful. Give thanks for your life. Make faith the only thing that you truly need. Come back home to who you truly are. Be grounded to Mother Earth and God. Be at peace with this life. When you have God and His only Son, there is nothing else you need.