Tag Archives: ministry

The Blessed Journey Within

Finding God does not take a trip of a thousand footsteps. You merely have to look inside to find HIM.

Why do you feel that faith is something that you find somewhere? Your soul has all of the necessary information on God and life that you will ever need. Looking outside of yourself may be a deterrent to finding those “truths” that you know exist.

You don’t live life inside of yourself. This would accomplish nothing. You must balance what happens around you and what is in your soul. To initially find your faith you must touch upon it where it resides in your God Center. This is in your solar plexus or the area behind the tip of your sternum.

Often advice comes suggesting you follow your heart or what you have determined to be factual in your mind. These two energy centers may not give you the most accurate information. Emotions cloud much of the information that spirit may provide to you. It is this fact that skews your guidance.

Emotions will keep you actively involved in negative loops of thinking and behavior. If you are in an abusive relationship will you leave and get safe if you follow your heart? No. You will likely stay because you love that person. You love them enough to keep forgiving them over and over again. What does your mind say about this? Whatever you choose to tell yourself. Your self-talk may be keeping you in this relationship as well. “I love him, he will change, and she made a promise this time… I know she will change for me.” Either your heart or your mind has not provided you with truthful information.

You will be chasing emotions for the rest of your life but this will not get you anywhere. The truth is in your God Center. Touch your fingers to the lower portion of your sternum. Be still and meditative if possible. Find that truth that is there. To know you have successfully made a connection to your true self you will feel a sense of calm and knowing.

This knowledge is based in truth so there is no emotion attached to it. This is also a good state to be mindful. In this inner connection you find truth and stability that you may have not known before. Emotion makes you run here or there, become upset with what is and mood swings from euphoria to desolation. This is not spiritual health. This is being a slave to your emotions.

Have you found that you haven’t made any real progress by following your emotions? If you make decisions by what mood you are in, there is no authentic motivation. These decisions may leave you feeling empty, lost or alone. You may also feel like you never get ahead. It may be like climbing a mountain of fine sand. You have images of never reaching the top.

Your chart is in your God Center. Your guides and God are there too.

If you find your mind whirls with chatter, who are you actually listening to? Most of the time it is your own inner voice. Occasionally it is a guide or other Divine being. Sometimes it is a ghost or earthbound spirit who offers you useless or upsetting information. There are darker beings that may invade your mind but that would take a skilled seer to discover this. NEVER go to someone who has no training or background in dealing with attachments or nefarious spirits. This will only deepen your struggles.

Information given to you that is frightening is not a spirit guide. Genuine guidance from spirit guides is matter-of-fact. They are verbally blunt and expressionless. This emotionless exchange is true. You always have to remember how you felt the moment you received the information. Why? Because you will add emotion, fear, excitement, dread, hopelessness… It may be helpful to write it down so when your mind or heart begins to add layers of nonsensical information you may reconnect with how you felt when you originally became aware of the information. Weed out the mind/heart interference and remember what the genuine message was.

Receiving genuine guidance may not make you very popular. You tend to become matter-of-fact as well. Things make sense and seem obvious. You have a direct line to what your intuition states from this life and perhaps a few others. This unquestionable “knowing” may irritate those you deal with. They may feel that you are uncaring or a know-it-all. They may also mistake your mental strength and stability as some type of personality disorder. You really want people to know that you love them and offer support, care and nurturing. You are not an emotionless robot so do not present yourself as one. This is one caveat. Remember to offer love and support because when others are still dealing from their heart or mind they will not comprehend your God Center directness. Find truth but remember how to love.

Have you known spiritual leaders to seem arrogant or lofty? This is that caveat that we make reference to. You may have profound faith and dedication to God but still seem unapproachable or distant. This really doesn’t help you or anyone else. Life does not occur in a vacuum. You need information from within AND still participate in life. This is one of your life goals.

To be lofty and above all others will make your soul group connections diminish. You will seem to travel in isolation. You may only communicate with others who have your same lofty beliefs. Then what good are you doing for your loved ones, family and community? Be a real person with a direct connection to God. Remain humble and stay connected to loved ones. Be aware that they are still dealing in terms that you have found to be ineffective and obsolete. They still deserve your love and attention. If they cannot deal with you on your spiritual level then choose to send them angels, pray for their well-being and jump in with help where and when you can.

Don’t be a silo in a world of too many silos. Use your knowledge and awareness to help everyone along. Send love, hope and healing to all others. You are not going to break bread with them or allow them to live in your guest room but a thoughtful prayer and blessing is awesome. There are struggles throughout this world. Send something positive to these places or situations. Many spiritual beings will offer that LOVE is always the answer. Embrace this and see where it takes you.

Love is truly in your God Center. Self-love, love of others and love for all Creation does not just reside in your heart. The entirety of “your” truth is in your God Center and real life will flow from there.

Become the Vessel

There are many steps to increase your spirituality. You must open to God and allow your healing. There are things that we do which block this process. Spirit often reminds us to get out of our own way.

Being open is to allow yourself to believe in God, prayer, healing, miracles and limitless faith. Any amount of doubt will slow this journey. Open refers to a wide open space in your mind and being that is free from judgement, doubt or resistance. It is allowing yourself to be a blank canvas available to the Divine.

There are habits, behavior and ways of processing information which may be blocking your receptivity to God. You may set some goals to rid yourself of some obvious blocks to being open but some more obscure blocks may be left intact. That is why increasing your spirituality is a process. Divine clarity and complete openness is something that must be worked on over time. Always believe that you have more to learn. Even believing that you know everything is a block to higher evolution.

Receptivity is allowing you to be filled with your chart, faith, growth and maturity. Receive anything that the Light wishes to bring you. Strive to be open and receptive.

There are new ideas and different ways of thinking that you may immediately resist. It is best to be open to this possibility and at least consider what you are learning and why. To believe in only one route to find God you will certainly not find Him.

New ways of thinking are presented to you for a reason. This is a process in which spirit is offering you a more versatile way to worship and gain insight. If you doubt the source of new information then it truly may not be for you but if you have respect for the source, these may be the answers that you seek.

We have all been met with new ideas. Some fit and others don’t. What you know to be true now may have actually surprised you a few years ago. It is this ability to receive input that pushes you to grow. Test it. Try it out. If it really doesn’t work for you, let it go. If this same idea is presented to you again, it is likely meant for you to consider it more seriously. This is one way God and spirit work.

Mindfulness keeps you in the “now.” Not looking back or forward. Yes, you are encouraged to make goals but being in this very moment is essential to being open and receptive. To resist looking anywhere but this moment is key to finding that perfect space to meditate and commune with God and spirit.

You do not live life in the past or future. You live this life in the present. This is where you gain more insight than you have thought possible. To be grounded in now will bring answers to both the past and future. Know when to reach for it and when to say that it is ok to keep going. Resisting unnecessary emotion will bring more clarity to you.

Your genuine life is in spirit. While you are here, your chart involves lessons. Minimal emotion is good to help weed through your lessons and resist any unnecessary delay in learning. Severe mood swings actually cloud the Divine. Gather your experiences, learn the lessons and weave all of it into the fabric that is you. You will have more success if you keep your emotions moderate and live in the now.

Prayer is communicating with a Higher Power. Speak to God and release anything that is not of your higher self. Release any dark or negative thoughts and behavior. And, ask to be filled with unlimited Bright, White Light of Source.

Then allow your guides, angels and other protective beings to intervene on your behalf. Oddly, you may pray and voice your wishes for knowledge and understanding but if you don’t give Source permission to assist you, it will not occur. Your free will would override God’s Will.

Faith is the total release of any control that you feel you have in your life. By giving your life to God you will be at once healed, on your chosen path and squarely in the Light. Any doubt will undermine faith. It is certainly human to take back control of life’s circumstances, perhaps without even realizing that you have.

Faith also has a lot to do with finding your life purpose. If you continuously insist that you are here to do something specific, your actual purpose for this life may be vastly different. Faith will adjust your direction to bring you in alignment with what you genuinely came here to do. Altruistic actions are always a good decision but the world also needs bankers, investors, law enforcement, scientists… or other profession that is not what you would normally consider spiritual.

The best option is to do what you love, what you are drawn to and/or what comes naturally AND help to care for those less fortunate. Your vocation and working for God are not mutually exclusive. There are many ways to include all wonders of the world into each life. Faith will bring you to the doorway of your intended life but you make the choice to walk through it. Mistrust of your path will cause lost time attending to what you promised God that you would do.

Positive affirmations are what you say to yourself instead of the cycle of negative self-talk that you are used to. Focus on what areas of self-doubt that you have then increase the scope to include all areas of life. Resist the urge to restart the negative self-talk. This is not positive or beneficial. To heal and become ONE with the Universe, your thoughts must reflect that positivity, hope, joy and love that created us. Respect yourself and always be your greatest advocate and friend. Use the words that touch your soul and be whole again.

Positive visualizations also assist in overcoming doubt, fear, ego and dysfunction. In your mind’s eye view yourself as stunning, whole, fully healed and full of Light. Allow no blocks or barriers. Envision pure and vibrant colors. Glow like the brightest star and move with untold grace. To be God you must appear to be God. This is your natural state. Envision what being ONE with the Universe truly looks like. This is you.

Go With Grace, Go With God

Lisa- I have gotten some feedback about the feminine energy which will shape this new age we are about to embark upon. Other bloggers have posted similar content. This makes me feel at peace because the information that I am channeling resonates with others on a spiritual path.

Makah Win- Be gentle and still. Breathe quietly and be still. Connect with your inner being and make ready to align with your soul more perfectly.

There is much to be done. All of this additional energy must be focused and used for the greater good. Set your many material needs aside. What would you give to the world? A new car or a belief in Heaven? We all must closely examine our motives. What do we consider successful? Is material wealth necessary for soul growth? Do we need more things?

Offer yourself to the others in the world without consideration of financial compensation. What would it take for us to work for free? Is this too much to ask? Yes. We, who are Higher Guides know that money is necessary. Humans require food and shelter, at the very least. We also know that some material goods are acceptable to have.

What we would like is for you to donate some of your time to those in need. Keep your daily job but offer others some of your undivided attention. We believe that you would gain an unmeasurable amount of information that would help you along your path as well.

The more you experience about the world from other points of view, the more you gain in clarity and knowledge. Your flight into the beyond will be vastly more enterprising if you share your life with those in different situations. Ask your questions. Gather your answers. Rejoice in knowing what others find valuable. Cherish the lives of those less fortunate. Learn from the contrast that their lives have, compared to your own. Celebrate our differences! 

Offer your footsteps as God offered us His footsteps through Jesus. Allow the ministry to continue, through you, into the generations to come.

Let us come together and praise this New World Energy Shift. Go with grace. Go with God.


Makah Win